A Voice of Truth Exists in Mainstream Media [Featuring Lauren Green]

9 months ago

"“We will worship everything else but God…and our one biggest problem is disordered loves,” said Fox News Religion Correspondent Lauren Green. She joins Pastor Allen Jackson to discuss the Ten Commandments, faith, and being a Christian journalist in the mainstream media. The first commandment says, “You shall have no other gods before me,” and Greene offers insight on that commandment and how it supports the other nine. She and Pastor Allen also discuss simple choices we can make on holidays and Sundays to honor God and lead with our faith. “There are things the average person can do in the midst of the life they're leading,” Pastor Allen said. “We can express our beliefs in tangible ways that the culture can read very clearly.” Green shares information about her podcast, “Lighthouse Faith,” and her new devotional book, Light for Today.

More About Lauren Green:
Lauren Green on Fox News: https://www.foxnews.com/person/g/lauren-green
Lighthouse Faith Podcast: https://radio.foxnews.com/podcast/lighthouse-faith/
Light for Today Devotional Book: https://a.co/d/gSFnamQ


It’s up to us to bring God’s truth back into our culture. It may feel like an impossible assignment, but there’s much we can do. Join Pastor Allen Jackson as he discusses today’s issues from a biblical perspective. Find thought-provoking insight from Pastor Allen and his guests, equipping you to lead with your faith in your home, your school, your community, and wherever God takes you.

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