UN are told sanctions & an arms embargo on Israel must happen now!

11 months ago

Palestine Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese has told the UN Human Rights Council that Israel has met the terms of Genocide.
Right, so the Special Rapporteur for human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, the brilliant Francesca Albanese has stood before the UN Human Rights Council and spelt out in a speech her assessment of the situation in Gaza at the hands of Israel since October 7th and that she believes the case for the commission of the crime of genocide as laid out under the terms of the Genocide Convention has been met and that the UN must now act accordingly to impose immediate sanctions and an arms embargo on the apartheid state, who have lashed out at her, to no surprise at all, despite not turning up to hear her speech and indeed Albanese has admitted to having received threats due to her work and her findings, very much implying she’s touched a nerve and her findings, strongly worded as they are, are very much sadly on the money.
Right, so that was Francesca Albanese presenting her ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’ to the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday and frankly I’d challenge anyone to disagree with what she said in that clip there, which is a sample of a much fuller 20 minute long speech I think it was all told.
If the Genocide Convention that so many countries are signatories of, including Israel and those nations arming Israel right now means anything, then sanctions and an arms embargo must follow, but as ever where it comes to the UN, especially in light of what is going on in Gaza, for too many nations the UN just never seems to be seen in that way. It looks good to be signed up to UN treaties and conventions on this, that and the other, but when it comes to meeting the terms of them there just seems to be a pervading attitude of it doesn’t matter, that the UN won’t enforce these things and certainly there is a justifiable anger towards the UN at times for seeming to not be willing to uphold it’s own rules and regs. A classic example that we’ve all observed is the International Court of Justice ruling against Israel brought by South Africa, which laid down several orders, all but one of which Israel have flouted. Twice since South African delegates have tried to get the ICJ, which is a branch of the UN, to toughed up its stance on Israel and twice over they’ve declined to do so. The only ICJ order that Israel did actually follow, was to submit a report spelling out how they were upholding the other orders handed down to them, which they did and many of us snorted in derision at this, as aid has been prevented from getting in and the genocide has just continued without pause, but as much as we’d all love to know what Israel said so we can almost certainly shred it for its abject dishonesty, it has never been made public. The ICJ a branch of the UN as I mentioned before, they came to a ruling that most of the world supported, but when it comes down to it, it now just feels like they’re helping Israel out again and that’s a hugely disappointing headspace to be in when we expected differently, even if the composition of the ICJ has now changed since that ruling.

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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialistTelly)
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Damo Rants Kernow Damo israel,palestine,israel gaza,israel genocide,israel genocide convention,israel genocide case,gaza,netanyahu,international court of justice,rafah,south africa israel,icj,israel sanctions,israel arms embargo,al jazeera,sanctions on israel,un special rapporteur,israel war crimes in gaza,un genocide convention,francesca albanese,francesca albanese press conference,francesca albanese interview,kernow damo,eylon levy,damo rants,damo,damo kernow,kernowdamo

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