India Outreach to Unreached Communities 032824

11 months ago

Pastor Greg shares testimony and prays for the people. This is an edited version as there was a great deal of technical challenges with the sound. If you would like to help we would be most grateful.

Dear Pastor Greg Young
Thank and Praise God that outreach meeting was so blessed and powerful, where more than 400 people were came, 284 people accepted Jesus Christ after hearing your testimony and God’s Word and 177 people were healed instantly when you were praying. 19 sisters and brothers were delivered from evil spirits, 22 youngest gave their lives to Jesus and got delivered from drugs addiction, some people’ stones were disappeared, many people were healed from fever, whips pains were gone, cervical pains were gone, 4 sister felt their wombs are opened, 7 sisters n brothers’ eyesight was restored, 2 children water flowing from eyes was stoped, neck pains were gone, stomach pains were gone, back pains were gone etc. all glory to God
We are so grateful to you pastor Greg Young, Chosen Generation Radio Ministries and all have been praying and giving sacrificially for ministry of India that we are doing under the spiritual leadership of Pastor Greg Young. We all have been praying for you all
God bless you

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