PSA Sabre Dagger Promo Initial Reaction : Will it be worth it?

10 months ago

To be clear i have no rights to the PSA Sabre Dagger and I have no relation to PSA. I am just a huge PSA fan boy. I've spent countless hours upgrading and tweaking the PSA dagger. This is my initial thoughts and reaction to the PSA saber dagger promo footage that was released earlier this week.

Official PSA Sabre Dagger Promo:

The PSA Dagger is my favorite pistol. So when PSA announced the "Sabre Dagger" premium line, I was incredibly excited. Earlier this week, PSA released more promo footage of the sabre dagger. I was shocked how similar it was to the one that I custom upgraded, of course theirs is night and day better.

In this video, I'll analyze everything we know about the Sabre offering from that promo video, and compare it against the base PSA dagger that I upgraded, as well as share how much time and money it cost me to upgrade the base dagger, to help level set the value proposition of the Sabre Dagger itself.

tldr; In my opinion, PSA knocked it out of the park with this one, I'm really excited for the launch next week. You really need to pay attention as I think these will sell out instantly.

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