Narcissists are (already) in hell - From a secular to a Christian perspective

10 months ago

Narcissism is a personality disorder that still puzzles contemporary mental health specialists. It’s a problem for which we still have no remedy or cure. In this video, I posit that we will never have a secular solution to cluster B personality disorders like narcissism, because secular science lacks the religious and spiritual components that are necessary to understand how serious this disease is, and what its ultimate implications are.

After trying to make sense of it with explanations from evolutionary psychology, my ongoing traumatic experience with narcissistic abuse sent me on a quest to find a solution that would be found where I would least expect it: Christianity, after a lifetime of atheism. Suddenly, narcissism could be framed through clear categories of good and evil, instead of being a mere maladaptive behaviour. Heaven and hell, angel and demon, words that would have made me cringe as an atheist, suddenly became part of my vocabulary.

By simply applying the ways of being offered in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ, I would find myself making actual progress, albeit in ways that I didn’t expect. In contrast, secular solutions like the grey rock method would be more akin to a band-aid that kept getting ripped off. Impressed by how well the insights from Christianity were working for my recovery from narcissistic abuse, I was eager to go deeper.

In Orthodox Christian theology, I would finally find what I think is the most powerful and most coherent explanation to why narcissists cannot be reasoned with, how we should be responding to them and what it all ultimately means for humanity.

The Little Shaman - Accepting That Your Loved One is a Narcissist:

The Little Shaman’s YouTube channel:

Article version of the video:

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