Died of Colon Cancer and Returned to Help Humankind

11 months ago

nearly 2 hrs. | genius data collector (well worth watching!)
🎬< https://rumble.com/v4lnf79-mar-26-war-correspondent-special-report-with-clifh-high-jsnip4-and-jean-cla.html >
Source: Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic (RUMBLE)

< https://clifhighvideos.com/c60/ > 💊powder (+video)

https://substack.com/profile/293159-clif-high <pirates...>
He still does his substacks regularly (audios mostly but writings too).

Elohim - Let me explain, OVERSIMPLIFY - He's speaking of the evil ones. However, his view is extremely different.
So, briefly correcting "him",> all human history knowledge upon earth has been corrupted by another genius (satan).
Don't believe in what you think you've uncovered. <Basically, he's talking about the Khazars / fake jews / synagogue of satan>
< Zionists who worship demonic "aliens"/angels, the latter being the "Elohim" >

Previously intended to be posted, yesterday.
Posted 03.28.'24

< https://clifhighvideos.com/pure-sleep/ >
< https://clifhighvideos.com/c60/ >
< https://clifhighvideos.com/ >

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