What is Falling from the Sky? The Chemtrail Agenda

11 months ago

**This is Good, it needs to be viewed and shared.**

Why is aluminum being found all over the world to in rainwater and soil?

Why are they spraying that sh*t in the skies?

It’s obviously for our own good, right?

It hast to be for Global Warming, right?

There is so much carbon from car exhaust and the oil industry that the government must try to cover the sun, right?

NO, no, and no.

It’s not for Geoengineering, but that is the excuse they will give.

Everyday, almost where ever you are, you see those lines in the sky. The sky is no longer blue. It looks dirty all the time.

It is dirty. Those are toxins, that linger in the air and they drop down gradually and bomb us every single day.

This needs to be STOPPED. There needs be laws made now.

Just as the children’s vaccines are increasing, so are the chemtrails.

Our water and soil has escalated over 1000% just in the past decade. There is something going on and there is an agenda. The soil tests reveal dangerous amounts of aluminum, barium, strontium and platinum and I’m sure if they would look for more they would find them

Aluminum changes the pH of the soils which is toxic to plant life and is very toxic for humans to breathe in.

We have a group of people, if they truly are human, that are controlled by the Force of Darkness, a conscious dark energy that lives off our negative energies, which includes fear, greed and illness.

These elites may not realize the level of control they are under and how their greed feeds this dark entitiy.

On Mount Shasta, there is 60,000 Times more Aluminum that is said to be safe. The governor should be ashamed, all the politicians of CA should be ashamed. The people should get rid of them as soon as possible. They are filth to this planet.

Right now politicians should focus on 4 things in this order:

1. Our Healthcare Industry – BAN ALL Vaccines immediately, get rid of the FDA, NIH, CDC and sever relations with the WHO.

Fund true scientific tests with herbs like Cat’s Claw, Lemon Balm, Licorice Root, Mullein Leaf, Lobelia, Thyme, Comfrey and others.

Study Intravenous Vitamin C. Study the benefits of L-lysine for treatment of all viruses.

Fund Frequency non-invasive treatments for cancer, other diseases and maintenance of health.

2. Chemtrails – Stop the Government Program Now. There are many more chemtrails being dumped on us than mentioned in this documentary. See this → Learn the TRUTH about Chemtrails, when they started, how they started and why they started -- https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2021/09/truth-about-chemtrais.html

3. Financial System – End the Federal Reserve Now. We need to create our own financial system with multiple trading instruments. Dissolve the USA Corp, get rid of it and all its subsidiaries. This one will have repercussions but can be done.

4. Criminal Justice System Reform – we need a true justice system that will go after the criminals who have been in charge / control of our country – all the politicians involved in the Covid Plandemic need to be arrested and spend the rest of their lives in captivity – solitary confinement with no human contact to be with their God and think about what they have done to humanity.

5. Science – no more “private” science. Science will be performed independently with NO outside interest on the outcomes. True Science will change everything.

6. Environment – we need to treat Mother Earth with the respect she deserves. There needs to be Agriculture Reform – no more GMO experiments, no more GMO seeds, no more chemical herbicides, pesticides and fungicides. We can focus on other ways of farming organically to produce just as much if not more than the chemicals yield and be very much healthier for both humanity and Mother Earth. We need to fund Electroculture Experiments as it is a lost art of agriculture that needs to be rediscovered.

7. EDUCATION -- Our entire Educational System from Top to Bottom needs a complete restore. Stop the Brainwashing, get rid of common core, allow students to pursue their own interests and get back to allowing our children to be creative and to think critically.

8. MEDIA -- Mainstream Media -- allow journalists to be journalists and allow FREE SPEECH! Get rid of the Anti-Semitism b.s. as it is only to block free speech and to allow the elites to be immune from criticism. End Propaganda which means ending the FBI and CIA and start from scratch with good benevolent intentions.

These are Eight things that need to be focused on with EVERY Single one of f*cking Coward Politicians need to focus. We need to make these C*cksuckers work for us and not the Corporation.

They are all a bunch of worthless f*cks. ALL of them. They have no courage and they are greedy. They really don’t care and they love it when the people do nothing and say nothing.

Then there is the question of who owns America? Does the British Crown own America?

The politicians need to address Medical / Healthcare Industry and Chemtrails for sure. That should be the top 2 priorities of all politicians.

Politicians from Tennessee and Pennsylvania have been talking about this, which is a miracle in of itself and Tennessee has introduced a Chemtrail Ban Bill – see in Video #6 link below.

If politicians are not talking about this and addressing it, don’t vote for them.

Our Voice Needs to be Heard!

Here are some more of Chemtrail Videos on my Rumble Channel:

1. Learn the TRUTH about Chemtrails, when they started, how they started and why they started. https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2021/09/truth-about-chemtrais.html

2. Chemtrail Sprayer Turns Off in the Sky -- https://rumble.com/v3ag7gs-chemtrail-sprayer-turns-off-in-the-sky.html

But it's a Condensation Trail. Bullshit.

3. Chemtrail Whistleblower from US Air Force - Aluminum, Barium and Strontium delivered to USAF Base -- https://rumble.com/v2l7sqw-chemtrail-whistleblower-from-us-air-force-aluminum-barium-and-strontium-del.html

4. A Pilot Demonstrates how his Chemtrail Small Passenger Jet Works – “We get paid $10 per Gallon” (1/3/2024)

5. Dr Bill Deagle – The Doctor who Treated the Chemtrail Pilots -- https://rumble.com/v3wj3t4-dr-bill-deagle-the-doctor-who-treated-the-chemtrail-pilots.html

6. ***“CHEMTRAIL BAN Bill” Proposed in Tennessee – HB 2063 - SB 2691 – Tennessee Air Quality Act -- https://rumble.com/v4l1nf0-chemtrail-ban-bill-proposed-in-tennessee-hb-2063-sb-2691-tennessee-air-qual.html



WEin5DTarot -- https://rumble.com/v4lr3do-what-in-the-world-are-they-spraying-full-documentary.html


TRUE LEAF MARKET → Spring is here! Time to get your seeds and supplies.

True Leaf Market – provides the best seed selection I have found, non-GMO and I personally grow tomatoes, microgreens, cucumbers, peppers, spinach arugula, cilantro, parsley and will try a few different varieties this spring as they have plenty, buy bulk or buy small, their prices are good → https://rb.gy/14d5vg



***EMF Protection Products:

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We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day.

Hope and Tivon at Fix the World Morocco have the protective solutions you need.

Check them out → https://www.ftwproject.com/our-special-offers/ref/528/


***Get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Fenbendazole while you can.

• Grant Pharmacy – Order Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole -- https://www.grantpharmacy.com/anti-viral#u4

ReliableRx Pharmacy

• Ivermectin 12mg – Ivetab 12mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11973

• Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg – HCQS 400mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11854

Follow me on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/WakeUpWorld

Thank You!!

END. 4/1/2024 – 9:00 AM

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