Ice Cube Exposes the Satanic Scumbags

11 months ago

Ice Cube in an interview with Bill Maher stating that gangster rap was a psyop used for social engineering.

He would definitely know.

"Coincidentally", Ice Cube's first rap group before joining N.W.A. was called C.I.A.

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I was saying this years ago that the blacks were being played, "bums on seats" in Prisons owned by Sheriffs and now Music Execs. Meanwhile the Demoncrats profess to care for the blacks....the same people they hit with HIV via the 'Hepatitis vaccine program' (black Africa also hit with HIV in the Smallpox jab) and Planned Parenthood. It's about time the black population woke the fuck up and remember the KKK was a Democrat plot. The Democrats and RINOs are two heads of the same snake, assisted by the CIA controlled mockingbird media, who stirs up racial unrest to target whites because the Khazarian Mafia (zionists) and the Jesuits in the Vatican, and the Islamic governing lobby work together to destroy Christianity, to bring in a deeply satanic new world order, a planet of 500 Million..."them" and those slaves who survive the covid onslaught. The zionists were the Bolsheviks, Nazis, Khazarians, Communists, Freemasons. ALL three religions lead by the same satanic bloodlines as their gullible followers believe the crap spewed from the mouths of jesuits, islamic extremists, and zionists. Ordinary Christians, Muslims, and Jews have been played, BIG TIME! The CIA/MI6/Mossad are ALL zionists/satanists and they've waging wars for personal gain since the Napoleonic war. The Kabba in Mecca represents the planet Saturn as the muslims who encircle it act as the rings of Saturn, unknowingly so that they are engaging in a satanic ritual. The cabal, otherwise called the Kabballah (Kabba ~ Allah). The good Christians, Jews (not khazars), and muslims who are peaceful have all been lied's time we woke up and saw each other as one. Extreme evil has been perpetrated in our name and encouraged by the mockingbird media

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