No Friends Anymore? We Have to Have Active imaginations

9 months ago

We have to have active imaginations

If you love what I am giving you,

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page to book a personal session,

and find my books on the Books and Courses page of my website using the email box.
I work with groups of adults to aid harmony and creativity, and visit schools to activate children's creative potential.

I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £50 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

Below is the link to my INSPIRITION music :

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Now, more than ever, we need the creative power of the imagination in the world: to solve our problems, to imagine better states for us humans,- peace, love, and all good things. That’s what I teach. It works so very well through the medium of improvisational theatre. What better way to bring joy, purpose and refine the identity of children as they struggle to find a place to fit their voice in this world

I support the development of the inner life by also supporting through beautiful outer world -creating harmony with the spiritual self and physical nature...

To support my channel, please go and have a look at my Contrado shop and purchase some lovely design for your home

Everything I do, it is about supporting the connection of the human to the spirit of the divine spirit within and to nature, so it’s a two prom affair from one side it’s methods, methodologies techniques, inspirations, where you can connect to your spiritual being maintain the connection and the clarity, integrity of the connection Shift and heal anything which is in the way of that and, then supporting in the physical human dimension of this world, beautiful inspiring tools, wallpapers fabrics play kits, all which connect the human physical being into nature and therefore allow and enable their full expansion into their full human self child or adult, so it’s from both sides holding the human being as we move from this old structure of deadness and control into this new, vibrant life, this new vibrant earth, nature rules, and spirit rules, everything I do is to support that growth that development and that exciting, vital new step

In the transformation, from where we were to where we are going from a controlled, authoritative matrix structure from commanders, who decided our fates to spirit driven adventure discovery human being this, we need to heal what we have carried with us all of the dark programs of controlling inhibition, and we need help with the healing to know how how we can do this in a natural way we don’t need AI. We don’t even need technology to heal ourselves. We have our own amazing human technology human spirit so every single possible solution I have used I present for adults for children for deeply abused adults or children. Nothing is impossible. I know I’ve been there gone through it worked it out on myself. I know it’s possible to change and shift and grow and heal and then in this process in order to keep our heads above water. During this process, we need joy we need love we need sustenance. We need to be held in her framework which feels good and supportive and wonderful enough to inspire us forward with hope and optimism and inspiration.

The process of healing is hard enough as it is we’re not in an ear now of going to some grey doctors office or psychoanalysts couch. We are in the process of discovering our true spirits are motors are joy. We need places and spaces supportive environments which encourage that at its highest frequency is one of the easiest ways to move forward, healing, releasing opening and expanding , so that’s what I do. I create elements to bring more joy into your daily life you your children, your children in their investigative learning their experiential play you and your daily work being creating a home. Maybe your office designed to bring this quality of frequency in and then, of course I inspire you through my videos and one onone appointments to find techniques to release to expand into and connect fully to your beautiful spirit. It’s called inspiration at the speaking house and you can find it all at the Heavenly Tea Rumble channel

Beautiful idea perfect timing. People will understand the importance of imagination if you present it as innovation. Present it as the ability to think for yourself along independent lines.
To cooperate with others through a system of trust and building relationship -not necessarily team in the traditional term of the word not a sports team -a creative team -something that is not often in schools
also this is the next important point to bring through, usually the top approach : you have an idea and you apply that to them
You are bringing for this idea that each person holds a vital part of the story , and when they are allowed to express it, Not only the happiness, the ecstasy, the interest of ownership becomes clear.

It brings forth their abilities, their Pride. Their self-esteem.
That little boy you saw, who was the most annoying person in that player you just did The last three weeks. You remember the moment when you spoke to him, when he really overstepped the line, and he had tears in his eyes, as you stood quietly, Loving him, talking to him, telling him what you actually expected from him, knowing that he had the potential to give that to you, and that he could choose to behave differently, and he did.

That stepping through, from disengagement to engagement, from utter lack of self trust to a modicum of self-respect, and therefore respecting others– you can achieve this with this tool, as well as the light, the fun, and the bubble, the colour, the joy, the interest!
And the participation of an audience

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