Beautiful Agony

6 months ago

If you have suffered with soul agony, you know what it feels like to feel overwhelmed by a broken heart. Jesus, His heart was broken in two in the Garden Of Gethsemane, as God laid on Him the sin of the whole world. He was in such agony that He sweat drops of blood. He spoke it out saying that His soul was in such pain that it felt like death. What happened to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane as He sweat drops of blood, was a medical condition called, Hematidrosis, and is is very rare, it happens sometimes when you are in extreme anguish. It was an emotional and spiritual agony that none of us could begin to imagine.

I have had a broken heart many times in this life and it feels overwhelming, in that kind of way where you feel like you can’t handle the soul agony. Those are the times we talk to God, we share our pain with Him, because He understands soul agony. His was a beautiful agony as He faced the cross and agonized over it. It was a beautiful agony because He knew that this pain would lead to the saving of all of us.
This is why we should give our soul agony to Jesus because He can turn it into a beautiful agony, where He makes a way where there seems to be no way. Jesus is a transformer, in fact, out of His beautiful agony came a transformation that was the greatest transformation ever to be known to mankind. Death to life! Death no longer had a voice in our life. That is why I take my soul agony to Jesus, He is so personal, so comforting, so powerful in healing, a transformer like no other. He is a Fixer, I am not. He is a Deliverer, I am not. He is a Savior I am not.

The beautiful agony of Jesus Christ is something that has changed things up for all of us. Now when I get a broken heart, I take it to Jesus and it becomes beautiful agony because He takes it, He changes things up and old becomes new. Beautiful Agony shared with Jesus, it leads to new life and there is no better hope than that, God taking something dead and resurrecting it in a new way.

Dig Deeper:
In heavenly hindsight, we can see that a lot of things in our lives leave soul wounds, but we can see the path of God’s healing throughout our lives as we put our expectations in God and not in people.

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