The Biggest Fraud in History – How they Steal Everything that is Attached to You – Anna Von Reitz

6 months ago

We are in a silent enslavement which was conceived in the 1800’s.

In 1850 the only kinds of corporations there were, were the kinds of companies that were given special Charters by Sovereign governments. Those companies with the charter were obligated to those sovereign governments to provide goods and services.

Today, there are corporations everywhere. There are corporations within corporations, within other corporations. It is one big convoluted mess. One big fraud.

This has all happened in the last 150 years.

It began in the 1860’s when Queen Victoria lost her husband and lost her mind and came under the influence of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Benjamin Disraeli.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer – is the finance minister or the Chief Banker of the United Kingdom, responsible for preparing the nation's annual budgets.

Benjamin Disraeli told her to enfranchise all the people as shareholders and latch on to their labor, their bodies and whatever they own and their land rights. You use all the profits to gradually take over every country in the world, the same exact way.

This is one of the ways the British Crown became financiers of the world.

They steal everything attached to your name and they profit from this, they put it on the accounting books and they borrow against these profits to use to oppress another country. One by one, they have full control of the world.

They pretend that the Victims volunteer for this. That is false. The victims don’t know and don’t understand what has happened or what is happening.

This is how the world has become enslaved to the bankers since 1850.

They used all this money they had to hire lobbyists to influence politicians to write and pass frivolous laws they create, so they can legally control and steal from us using these dummy corporations.

They used to their money to get rid of the lawful government replacing every country with their own “legal system.”

All the profits of the American people go to London City and the Vatican. America was used as the military arm to she our blood to protect these fraudster bankers.

Now they are preparing for a reset, an end to the old world and a beginning to the new world.

X represents this, that is why Elon Musk uses it in everything. It is the ultimate sign is the man for the New World Order.

Now these evil fools are turning to the Transhuman Agenda. Modify the DNA of humans by creating some plandemics, use the mainstream medias of the world (which they bought and own) to spread the lies to cause FEAR, provide a nice “healthy” solution to the problems they created which is the mRNA vaccines which will modify the humans they are enslaving.

Once our genes have been modified they, can define humans as Genetically Modified Organisms and relabeling the race as Transhumans.

Then we can be “legally” patentable.

Transhumans have NO rights at all.

We have been the object of a long-term, multi-generational legal scheme to redefine us and to steal everything that we possess.

A Certificate – is a Receipt or Property that has been Deposited into a Depository Trust Company.

So we are really being Human Trafficked as they have latched upon our name and our person and trafficked us to this bank and dumped us in as a deposit and gave you a CERTIFICATE so you could come and reclaim your possessions.

But they never told us a thing about what was going on. They just presume we will know.

Our Birth Certificates are bonds that they borrow against. Banks trade these bonds for their perceived values so they can leverage or borrow against them. It is just so ridiculous. It is 100% fraud.

These crooks use our assets as collateral to create bank notes – money.

So the money is really created by the people and is already the people’s money.

BUT, then they make the people labor for that money and they steal more by taxing it.

Such a Fraudulent System.

So they are using your money as their assets to put up for collateral so they can BORROW even more money to do whatever they do – lend and invest, but if they f*ck up, which they always do, and they claim bankruptcy under our public umbrella – the losses are ours, the profits are theirs.

That is our banking / financial system in a nutshell – one perspective of it.

When you REGISTER to Vote you Voluntarily become a Shareholder in their Fraudulent Bankrupt Corporation and you have to pay its Debts.

This is just one of their multiple devious ways that they CONTRACT with you in an undisclosed, non-consenting manner and get you on the hook to pay their debts.

Anna Marie Riezinger says never voluntarily register.

When you register you are giving up an Ownership Interest

Land Business is called – Commerce.

Water or Sea Business is called – Maritime Commerce.

They have a created a birth certificate system in which we are “lost at sea.”

It’s all fraud to imprison and steal from humanity so the elite can have all the money, never have a worry and use us as their slaves.

BUT, they have determined that there are too many of us. There are too many useless producers and useless eaters that are burdening the beast system and their profits.

They desire a good culling of the population. While doing this by their Rockefeller Medicine, they can gradually weed off the population and gaining extreme wealth in the process from their corporate investments.

It’s Fraud. It is Enslavement. It is Eugenics. Let’s be real – it’s Murder.

Check out my other Financial Videos:

1. ***CBDC – Will CBDC be Imposed by Emergency – David Knight interviews Aaron Day

2. Maria Zeee & Ed Dowd – Jobs report is a Complete Joke – They are Cooking the Books – It’s Fraudulent

3. ***Dr. Jim Willie – Major Government Financial Crisis set up for 2024 – This is Scary!

4. The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In History – Peter St Onge - Ph.D.

5. How and Why the Banking System is Going to Collapse

6. ***How They Plan on Stealing all 401K’s & Introducing Central Bank Digital Currency – (CBDC)

7. ***The Great Taking – David Webb

8. *** BlackRock Owns EVERYTHING – How BlackRock Owns and Controls Everything in the USA & Future Plans

9. ***Gerald Celente – Clayton Morris “We’re Going to See a Banking Crisis Like We Have Never Seen Before”



1. #ClaireEdwards Uncensored –

2. weekly webinar by Anna Von Reitz on website, March 25, 2024:

3. Anna Marie Riezinger - Anna Von Reitz Webinar-3-25-2024.mp4 --


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END. 4/1/2024 – 6:00 AM

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