Dr Thomas Binder

9 months ago

Dr. Thomas Binder studied medicine at the University of Zurich, received his doctorate in immunology and virology, specialized in internal medicine and cardiology, has 36 years of experience, also in diagnostics and therapy of respiratory infections, in hospitals and in intensive care units, and has been working in his private practice in Switzerland for 26 years. He stood up for the return to scientificity, medicine and humanness since March 2020. On Easter Saturday evening 2020 he was arrested in his practice by an antiterrorist unit after a slanderer had made the allegations he threatened the government and society, was armed, and had a psychiatric history, which was all wrong. Yet, he was detained in closed psychiatry for six days because of “COVID insanity”. He was a board member of the Swiss 'Aletheia, humane medicine and science', is a core member of 'Doctors for Covid Ethics', a member of the German ‘Physicians and scientists for health, freedom and democracy', and is one of the 22 life scientists who wrote the ‘Corman-Drosten Review Report’, including ‘addendum’. Blogs, articles, talks and interviews you can find on his personal website www.thomasbinder.ch and on X aka Twitter @Thomas_Binder.

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