Trespassing call leaves the suspect bloody during arrest with Thermopolis police

11 months ago

Another video features Mascorro’s April 2, 2018, trespassing arrest of Shane Boren.

POST investigated the incident with Boren and opted not to take action against Mascorro, except that Mascorro received an “oral reprimand” for not activating his body camera earlier.

The POST summary letter says Mascorro’s camera did not power up by the time he arrived at the call. By the time the camera comes on, Boren is being held face-down on the pavement in a pool of blood from his face, which is intentionally blurred out.

The other agent’s camera also was not turned on until later, at the hospital, says the summary letter.

POST Director Chris Walsh did not find clear and convincing evidence of any violations of POST rules, says a summary letter on the incident, which is included in a Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation report.

Boren was arrested near a local motel from which he’d been trespassed prior, and provided a breath sample showing a 0.45% breath-alcohol content, says a note on the video.

Boren was ultimately convicted of trespassing, interfering with a peace officer and breach of peace, according to his court file.

The video does not show Boren’s interference incident, but rather its aftermath, in which Boren’s face is blurred and Mascorro is calling for an ambulance.

Mascorro saw Boren leaving the area, tried to detain Boren, but felt Boren was going to assault him, the letter says. Mascorro performed a take-down.

Boren sustained a cut above his right eye and cheek, reportedly.

Mascorro turned on his body camera as Boren was being handcuffed, says the summary letter.

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