Kaevum - Kosmos Erwache (Cosmos Awake) (Full Album) 2013

11 months ago

Compilation album of the first two demo tapes Prakt (2008) and Nordnorsk hatmusikk (2010) released in 2013 with a new song at the end "Brilliance of the Stars". Recorded from the vinyl 2xLP release on Purity Through Fire.

0:00 1. Hans folk og hans rike (his people and his kingdom)
4:56 2. In Ruin
9:40 3. Embraced by Nuclear Winds
13:50 4. Viljens triumf (triumph of the will)
20:44 5. En brynje av blod (a breastplate of blood)
27:20 6. Bort skal blodet som forpester mitt rike (gone will be the blood that plagues my kingdom)
34:13 7. Fold dine brukne hender (fold your broken hands)
38:49 8. Forledet av de saakaldte hellige ord (seduced by the so-called holy words)
44:40 9. North
51:22 10. Brilliance of the Stars

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