Happy Passover

11 months ago

High Sabbath of Celebrating The Passover Seder Meal, Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, Jesus drank the cup of wrath, Judas‘ kiss of death and Peter’s return to Jesus after he denied Him.

Happy Holy Thursday everyone!


Thursday reading: Isaiah 54:4-10, Psalm 1:1, 11:6, Matthew 26:17-75, 27:35, Mark 14:12-27, Luke 22:7-71, John 13:1-27, Zachariah 11:12-13

It was believed that Jesus was actually crucified this twilight instead of Friday. Remember, He had to be in the belly of the Earth for 72 hours. Not a minute late and not a minute early.


Although Palm Week this year, 2024 does not lined up with the Hebrew calendar. The Gregorian calendar that we follow faulty have made Resurrection next Sunday, March 31. It has to do with the moon patterns from my understanding. Maybe celebrate it twice this year?! 🥰

Have an incredible blessed Holy Week Celebrating our Lord Jesus Christ! 🌿🫏💖✝️
With Love,
Monica ❤️🌿

Read all of Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19 and John 12.

#Jesus #gospel #goodnews #deaf #hardofhearing #coda #hearing #PSE #Pidginsignlanguage #asl #americansignlanguage #interpreter #translator #lightoftheworld #Salvation #pentecost #HolySpirit #Repentance #SpiritualEarsForTheDeaf #Redemption
#prayers #HolyWeek #PassionWeek #PalmSunday #Resurrection #PalmSunday #judasthebetrayer #oiloutpouring

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