11 months ago

Dawn Kelly is a proud Aussie who became synonymous with an incredible video series early in the scamdemic that delved into the history of the Australian Constitution.

It is a very informative documentary which was de-platformed as is usual with truth telling on the internet in modern times. She discusses with us where it all went wrong relating to the second and amended Corporate Constitution and secret meetings and betrayals during the Gough Whitlam era; and the fact that our Nation has been usurped by subterfuge by guilty politicians and corporations who have attempted to steal away our inherent rights & natural born privileges as human beings living in natural born freedom.

Dawn explains her beliefs surrounding the rights we all hold as Australians and how important it is for us to claim back these freedoms & to understand our strengths and inherent obligations not only to ourselves but our children and Grandchildren.

Join us for this fantastic discussion.

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