Safe distance from Electric lines

9 months ago

**Video Title:** Safe Distance from Power Lines - Safety First!


Hello friends, welcome to our YouTube channel, Power Pulse Hub. Today, we'll discuss safe distances from power lines. We'll also learn the recommended distances between these lines and our homes, shops, or any structure.

**Building Distance:**

First, let's look at the clearances set for buildings. There are two main factors here: the vertical distance from the highest point of the building and the horizontal distance from the closest wire.

**Vertical Distance:**

* Up to 33 KV: Minimum 3.685 meters (12 feet)
* Extra High Voltage: 3.685 meters (12 feet) + 0.305 meters (1 foot) for every additional 33 KV or part thereof

**Horizontal Distance:**

* Up to 11 KV: Minimum 1.219 meters (4 feet)
* 11 KV to 33 KV: Minimum 1.829 meters (6 feet)
* Extra High Voltage: 1.829 meters (6 feet) + 0.305 meters (1 foot) for every additional 33 KV or part thereof

**Ground Clearance:**

The minimum distance between power lines and the ground also varies depending on the voltage.

| Voltage (KV) | Minimum Distance (meters) |
| 33 | 5.1 |
| 66 | 5.5 |
| 132 | 6.1 |
| 220 | 7.0 |
| 400 | 8.8 |

**Clearance from Rivers and PTCC Lines:**

Specific distances are required when power lines cross rivers and other communication lines. Here, the measurement is taken from the lowest wire to the maximum water level of the river, considering ship traffic as well.


* Safe distance from the maximum flood level: 3.05 meters (10 feet) above
* Suitable clearance determined in consultation with shipping authorities

**PTCC Lines:**

Minimum distances vary depending on the voltage (see table in the video).

**Clearance Between Power Lines:**

The minimum distance between power lines also depends on the voltage (see table in the video). Generally, for extra safety, high voltage lines are placed above low voltage lines.

**Electrical Clearance and Safety Clearance:**

Clearance values are specified in IS 162-1961 and ensure safe distances between live parts and personnel.

**Clearance from Railway Tracks:**

Specific regulations govern the minimum distances between power lines and railway tracks. Minimum clearances are provided in a table on the screen (as per Regulation for Electrical Crossing of Railway Tracks 1963).

**Tree Safety Around Power Lines**

Property owners are responsible for keeping trees away from service lines on their property. Electricity companies are responsible for maintaining clearances around lines they own. It's crucial to plant trees far from power lines and prune branches to avoid contact and potential hazards.

By understanding and following these power line clearance regulations, we can ensure the safety of ourselves, our communities, and the reliable flow of electricity. If you have any questions or concerns about power lines near your property, always contact your local electricity provider.

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