Some news from multicultural Europe

6 months ago

In France, someone wrote "Allah Akbar and f*ck Jesus" on a church wall, can you imagine someone writing the opposite in a mosque?

A resident of Kypseli, Athens told in Greek TVl: "I have even seen a girl raped. I went to the police and reported it but nothing was done. I have been successful in America square and stabbings in broad daylight."

Barcelona homeowner asks illegal African immigrant to leave occupied house but he refuses and takes a hammer: 'It's my house now!' He responds by threatening the owner and the surrounding people to simply look and do nothing...

The Pakistani flag was raised at Westminster Abbey- replacing the British flag for a day, the church is 1000 years old…. The flag was flown for a whole day in London to mark 'Resolution Day', a national holiday in Pakistan…. Let's remember that the coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place in this Abbey.

Pakistan Day or Pakistan Resolution Day, also Republic Day, is a national holiday in Pakistan that primarily commemorates the adoption of the first Constitution of Pakistan during the transition of Pakistani sovereignty to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on 23 March 1956 making Pakistan the first Islamic democracy in the world.

Finally, migrants try to prevent another migrant from being deported from France at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris.

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