Testing My Kestrel. Problem Or My Imagination?

11 months ago

So, this weekend I wanted to try and test some things with my Kestrel. As I've said in a few of my match review videos, I seem to keep getting readings that don't really make sense. I have a pretty good sense of direction and I will get some readings of direction that are not at all correct.
I tend to have to calibrate this several times during the day of a match. I wanted to test to see if the magnets in my dope card holder are causing the problem, or if I can identify what else may be.
The magnets do definitely cause it to give an incorrect reading. But when more than 18 or so inches away, it reverts back to it's correct reading. So, that is good to know that I can be close to it, but not when trying to take directional readings. But it was not causing it to stay out of calibration.
So, I don't think the magnets are the issue.
I realized when editing that my microphone has a magnet on it and I was getting some weird readings when I was holding the Kestrel closer to my body. That can be explained away for some of the odd things I saw when doing this.
I could not get it to fall out of calibration and stay like it was the other week at the match. I am guessing that maybe it was just something odd that happened and it got stuck. I am going to do some more testing this next weekend and actually go back to 500 yards and take some shots. I ran out of daylight this weekend doing the other things I needed to get done at my place. Stay tuned for April 1st video!! Got a fun one coming up!

So, after all of this I am not settled on if I'm doing something wrong, my Kestrel is out of whack and needs serviced, or if the problem is in my imagination and I'm overthinking this issue I saw.
Obviously, if it can give me numbers that put me on target, then I don't think I've got much to keep stressing about. I probably just need to get better at reading wind and stop worrying about the numbers I see on this all the time, lol.
Let me know if you have any ideas, I'm open to trying anything. If it's still being weird to me, after the next match I will ship it off the next day and have Kestrel take a look at it. Hopefully I can get through this next match and not lose hits because of this!
Thanks for hanging out for a few! Have a great rest of your week and I hope to see you on the next one!!!

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