Truth and Righteousness

11 months ago

BABYLON will take everything from you and only give it back in return for your soul.

Mystery BABYLON will be led by the Antichrist and false prophet, encompassing the entire world. They will cause everyone to sell their souls to the devil in return for buying and selling, eating and drinking, planting and building. Great tribulation is first satan's wrath to get rid of those faithful to God in the little things as he can get to change times and laws to arrest and kill those who want to shine the light of Christ as the only way to God.

God's wrath will be on those who refuse to stand with Him in the least sifting of faith in Jesus. From no mask no entry to a cashless society, where everything will be Digital. A cashless society will sift faith in the same way, no mask no entry did, until God takes His Spirit from everyone and begins His wrath to destroy the wicked.


ALL flesh will be corrupted. Nobody will care about those who are not. For those thinking and looking for Wealth transfer: the love of money is the root of all evil. The devil pays well to entertain you with a form of godliness which the true worshippers will avoid such persons.

Jesus said he came to preach the gospel to the poor. Where do we see Jesus or his disciples being rich. They were in one accord or fell down dead who did not want to have all things equal as in Ananias and Sapphira. This is how serious they took being in one accord. Too many suffering saints for any to be wealthy. We are wealthy in good works.

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