It's Not That Bad! - Rambo (NES) All Bosses, No Deaths Time-Attack!!

11 months ago

Clear Time: 42:40

A run of Rambo on the NES with all optional bosses defeated and no wall glitches. This game gets a bad rep for being a poor quality Zelda II knockoff, but I don't think it's that bad to be honest. I also incorrectly called it an LJN game when it was actually Acclaim.

I think this one is not as bad as people say. It's definitely a flawed game for sure, but it's also an enjoyable adventure that follows the movie. My only complaints are, I wish there were more areas to explore (including more neutral areas with townsfolk), and I wish the enemies had better AI without the cheap hits. Overall, I'd give this game a 6 out of 10.

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