RFK Jr. Hits Chris Cuomo With a Series of COVID Truth Bombs

11 months ago

"It was an illness that spread indoors, not outdoors. And we KNEW that from the beginning."

CUOMO: "The pandemic boosted a lot of the spending needs."

@RobertKennedyJr: "But they didn't need to do that. President Trump came in and said, 'I'm going to run the country like a business.' And then he shut down 3.3 million businesses. What businessman would do that? He handed the keys to every one of our businesses in this country to Anthony Fauci."

He added:

• "We got two presidents who made a series of bad choices, drove up $16 trillion in costs."

• Pandemic policies "destroyed an entire generation of kids and their learning."

• The government "violated every pandemic protocol that we've developed over 50 years."

• You do not shut down a country for respiratory illness because everybody knows it's going to go through anyway. And it was an illness that spread indoors, not outdoors. And we knew that from the beginning."

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