Funny hollywood 😅

1 year ago

Doris Day in "Do Not Disturb." 1965. I'm fairly

focused on the news these days but when I'm looking for a happy distraction, I find myself

watching old Doris Day movies and

highly recommend you do the same (even if it's just for the fashion and the glimpses of old

NYC) . So far I have watched "Pillow Talk" and
"That Touch of Mink." | definitely never
understood what all the fuss was about Doris Day but wow, I sure do now! She's the full package! She's so pretty, with legs for days, a
beautiful singing voice, a fabulous dancer, a

great actress and an adorable way about her!

I'm officially a super fan. This dress and matching coat (designed by genius costume designer Ray Aghayan) is beyond glamorous as is her entrance (I think I'll ask mv familv to😅😅

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