Conversations with Veronica #3 Occult Infiltration of the Church - Possibly Mike Bickle & More?

10 months ago

Join me in another heartfelt conversation with the amazing Veronica Swift. In this conversation, we go deep into a hard discussion about occult infiltration into almost every denomination within the body of Christ. We talk about current events and big names within mega-churches and movements, including the prophetic. We also discuss more intimate, personal matters, such as what we can do when the information that we may see in the news or, if we are a survivor, may be coming from our own process of remembering, becomes too much. In those moments, we can redirect our actions and also step deeper into the simple relationship with Jesus where he he can lead us step by step. 💗

A little more about Veronica: She is the author of "The Illuminati Primer" and the creator of where she has written over 300 articles about the occult and has interviewed dozens of whistleblowers. She is a true advocate for survivors who are courageous to come out of this evil system of oppression and talk about their experiences for the restoration of themselves and future generations.

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