666 Technology PASSED in Australia Rushed Digital Identity Laws WEF

9 months ago

PASSED TODAY BREAKING NOW Pauline Hanson Exposes The Truth Behind Australia's Rushed Digital Identity Laws. WEF World economic forum Klaus Shwab

All Prophesied in the Bible. Revelation. The Bible states, In the last days there will be a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT & everyone on Earth, through dystopian technology will be forced to receive a MARK on the HAND or FOREHEAD to buy & sell (digital currency)(Digital ID).
Not taking this Mark will mean death in the near future by execution.
BUT If you take the Mark of the Beast you will NOT be forgiven by God, and you will be punished with the full wrath of God for eternity!
Most people will accept this mark knowingly, and give allegiance to the beast, maybe because of the short term technological benefits or simply fear of execution.
Pray to Jesus Christ NOW & ask for forgiveness of your sins, ask Jesus to show you the truth. Please look Revelation End Times up, there are plenty of videos here on Youtube,... its all happening NOW just like the Bible says. WE ARE IN THE DAYS OF NOAH. JESUS CHRIST IS THE BOAT, AND THE DOOR IS ABOUT TO SHUT. GET SAVED NOW !

The Gospel in a nutshell....,

God created man in his own image.
All have sinned against God (Rom 3:23).
God is Holy and perfect and therefore must punish sin.
The consequences of sinning against an eternal God are eternal.
The wages of sin are death (Romans 6:23).
But Christ came to earth and lived a perfect sinless life on our behalf, and bore the eternal punishment, Christ died for our sins and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
For those who repent and confess their sin to God and trust in Christ alone for their salvation will receive the gift of eternal life.

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