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![TheDimNews LIVE: Baltimore Bridge Collapses | Alex and I Met in Person!](
TheDimNews LIVE: Baltimore Bridge Collapses | Alex and I Met in Person!
Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.
MudderFetcher :r+catjam: :r+radiatingheart: :r+catjam: :r+radiatingheart: :r+catjam:
thrasybulus Over under on how late we start?
RonGreen1 Please hold for the next available operator. 🎶This should be the music we listen to.🎶
thrasybulus I just got to see it start over a minute in.
Qriist Supporter Good evening ladies*.
thrasybulus It's pronounced Bahl mur.
thrasybulus And like every good Baltimore waitress you must refer to everyone as hun.
RonGreen1 It's too early to start. Who are these girls and what have they done with Beverly and Alex?
Qriist Supporter @RonGreen1 they are pod people
JQuickDraw Supporter Oh wow, starting before 9:40. Impressive.
MudderFetcher I refused to post any plane stories while you were flying lol
Qriist Supporter pod(cast) people
RonGreen1 Which is safer, flying on a Boeing or driving across a bridge?
thrasybulus @RonGreen1 Whichever one is further in proximity from the actions of Buttiegieg.
JQuickDraw Supporter They were saying hello to you on the plane by turning their lights on and off. "Honey, Beverly is arriving. Flicker the lights! Hurry!"
RonGreen1 Alex hasn't been out of her apartment since 2014.
thrasybulus @AlexIsntDrinkingCoffee
JQuickDraw Supporter Outside is overrated anyway lol
MudderFetcher it's rough outside there what with all of the Radscorpions
Qriist Supporter should traveled faster
RonGreen1 From Phoenix to Chicago by way of Ethiopia.🤣
Qriist Supporter If you were smart you would have selected the fast travel option since you've obviously already been to your house
thrasybulus @RonGreen1 How is Addis Ababa these days?
JQuickDraw Supporter Bowling, the workout of champions.
MudderFetcher she pulled her ass bowling
JQuickDraw Supporter Bowling is one of the only sports where you can eat hot dogs and drink beer while playing.
JQuickDraw Supporter "My ass hurts. Oh don't worry, it's an old bowling injury."
RonGreen1 Beer is a requirement if you're playing horseshoes. Those are the rules.
thrasybulus Male Stages of Stiffness: Wake up & nothing is stiff. Wake & it's good something is stiff. Wake & it's both good & bad stiffness. Wake & just bad stiffness. Don't wake and rigor sets in.
JQuickDraw Supporter It's rigga. You're not dead, so you don't get to use the hard "r" sound.
Qriist Supporter Beverly went across country to spend quality time on her back 😏
thrasybulus The Ginger drank enough to be 5% schnapps.
JQuickDraw Supporter "I would walk 5 hun-dred miles, and I would walk 5 hun-dred more..."
RonGreen1 When the groom recovers from the bachelor party and says, I married who?😂
MudderFetcher bro hug
thrasybulus The bro hug is a modified Gentleman's Exchange.
thrasybulus What's your new nightclub called? Somewhere.
Qriist Supporter we should totally play mtg some time
JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly doesn't realize the laws out west. She's now married to the bro hug guy.
thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Not until he pays her dowry in cattle and or horses.
MudderFetcher the wife wants to watch Wonka but I'll need a few beers for that
JQuickDraw Supporter The remake or original?
RonGreen1 Beverly should have went to a migrant shelter and got one of those free debit cards.
MudderFetcher the new one
JQuickDraw Supporter Oh dear
JQuickDraw Supporter Fun fact: the bro hug started in late 19th century Victorian England as a method for gay men to signal their gayness to each other.
thrasybulus @HoboFinder searched for a lost Ginger throughout the desert for 40 days and nights.
thrasybulus The other left door.
MudderFetcher if you haven't gotten drunk and got lost or shit your pants as an adult are you really even living?
TunedToKey Supporter Howdy
JQuickDraw Supporter Doody
JQuickDraw Supporter sorry lol
JQuickDraw Supporter I'm very immature
Qriist Supporter @TunedToKey ignore these pod(cast) people, go play the new warframe update.
thrasybulus No not the front door, the door on the other left.
TunedToKey Supporter Missed opportunity to call the show Baltimore Bridge Is Falling Down, Falling Down, Falling Down
thrasybulus @MudderFetcher Or just not a weak drinker.
TunedToKey Supporter @Qriist why does it cost so much of the new thing for the new frame?
Qriist Supporter @TunedToKey to incentivize you playing the mission on Steel Path, probably.
TunedToKey Supporter What is the difference?
TunedToKey Supporter Double the reward?
MudderFetcher my rum drinking days led to a lot of adventures lol
JQuickDraw Supporter The Baltimore bridge fiasco had at least one silver lining. Considering the crime rates in that area, at least something finally went down.
Qriist Supporter +50%
Qriist Supporter makes a huge difference in farming time
thrasybulus Odds the Francis Scott Key Bridge in B'more becomes the Freddie Gray Bridge when rebuilt?
JQuickDraw Supporter George Floyd Memorial Bridge
thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Freddie Gray riots were B'more.
JQuickDraw Supporter but not nearly as big as Saint Floyd
JQuickDraw Supporter It's pronounced "Butt Plug and Gag."
thrasybulus But Gray died in B'more.
Qriist Supporter "Cowanigga, dudes!"
Qriist Supporter I mostly play commander
thrasybulus The Gentleman's Exchange is where you take hold of each other's inner R forearm, come in for the hug, and use the L hand to surrepitously check for hidden weapons on the small of the back.
JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Doesn't matter, Floyd has become the new martyr for the cause. At least, my money's on FLoyd.
thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Dark horse candidates are Nancy Pelosi's dad and Nancy herslef.
JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly likes the Yu-Gi-Oh card game. I do not know what to make of this information.
RonGreen1 The Derek Chauvin bridge sounds good to me.
JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 Now we're talking lol
Qriist Supporter "Burgers?"
MudderFetcher cooked-to-order burgers?
JQuickDraw Supporter Maybe with his recent influx of Truth Social money, Trump can buy the bridge. The Trump Water Crossing, with big gold lettering of his name across it. Hahahaha
MudderFetcher Biden said the government will pay for the totally not more money laundering
RonGreen1 The Dim Bridge. Cross at your own risk.
JQuickDraw Supporter Cuntgoblins cross for free
thrasybulus Words I've heard in real life "Excuse us but you look like you know how to open a safe." I did get the safe open so...
MudderFetcher Beverly talks about her balls...drink in confusion
MudderFetcher or arousal whatever
thrasybulus When was the last time Winchester came out with a new model of rifle?
thrasybulus Or shotgun?
RonGreen1 The Winchester model 94 is one of my favorite guns. I like lever action rifles.
thrasybulus @RonGreen1 Thoughts on lever action caliber choices. In case I see something at a good price.
thrasybulus The writer literally doesn't think about he typewriter. Digital fail.
Qriist Supporter My understanding of Beverly's past week is that she spent time on her back and touched cum.
RonGreen1 30-.30 is good. Also .22 just for fun. Also .357 and.44.
JQuickDraw Supporter Sounds like a great blurb for a travel brochure. "Lie on your back and touch cum!"
thrasybulus @RonGreen1 Price and use differences I should know?
thrasybulus @Qriist And there was a party and something to do with lemon.
Qriist Supporter @thrasybulus of the Don variety?
thrasybulus @Qriist Lemon party...
Qriist Supporter but she doesn't have blue eyes
Qriist Supporter Beverly the cougar
thrasybulus "I was too sore to get up and go back to the kitchen." - @MurderGoose2028
Qriist Supporter @TunedToKey got 89 Vessel Capillaries off a single 4-round Disruption. Basically 1/6 of a full Dante purchase, not accounting for any of the parts dropping naturally.
thrasybulus Echo stewardesses.
MudderFetcher The Ginger had shit to do damnit
Qriist Supporter not terrible farming rate
thrasybulus @BeverlyTouchesHerKitty OnCamera
Qriist Supporter "I can differentiate cities using the power of autism!" -Alex
JQuickDraw Supporter You can tell New Jersey by the street lights, because they don't have the money to keep them on at night on the highways and many towns, so it's really dark.
thrasybulus The Italian in Alex is torn between spaghetti or laying streets out i n a grid the Roman way.
thrasybulus Random different casino dice to prevent cheating.
Qriist Supporter oshawot
JQuickDraw Supporter Someday when Beverly is very rich, she'll have a room like Scrooge McDuck where she keeps millions of RPG dice so she can dive into them and "swim" decadently.
thrasybulus Males often can't tell the different between nice and flirting. Nerds...
OakPoke Supporter Met in person wow!!!
OakPoke Supporter Good evening ladies. Good evening, chat.
OakPoke Supporter They didn't know how to call Tim Allen of Tool Time...He would have said "more power". Then no destruction
thrasybulus This happened at 0130. Which is not the time I would drop a bridge if I wanted to do the most damage.
OakPoke Supporter Agree
thrasybulus Sky News Australia > Sky News UK.
OakPoke Supporter I actually think it could be an accident...On the other hand it could be an attack, where they were trying to avoid civilian deaths.
RonGreen1 Can Beverly do that accent?
JQuickDraw Supporter If someone just joined the stream, they'll see two women staring at the screen in silence. Nice.
MudderFetcher the company is full of DEI stuff just like Boeing
Qriist Supporter I disagree on it being unlikely to be a terror attack.
OakPoke Supporter I got hit with indian spam...they don't want to be 'blamed' with the accident/attack
thrasybulus Incontinent and Evil: Inside the Biden White House
Qriist Supporter That's a *major* traffic route.
Qriist Supporter Obamas owning Netflix explains Cuties.
thrasybulus It's a movie.
JQuickDraw Supporter Well maybe this tragedy will spawn new Baltimore-specific one liners. "Hey baby, I'll go down on you faster than the Baltimore Bridge."
OakPoke Supporter Haven't seen photos...Awesome
thrasybulus I've known people who wrecked a ship. They run it ashore so it can be taken apart for scrap then jump ship.
OakPoke Supporter Bowling. Based.
OakPoke Supporter Beverly's ring sounds like what happened in Captain Planet when they pushed their rings together.
MudderFetcher the FBI official instantly saying it wasn't terrorism is the main thing making me think it was lol
JQuickDraw Supporter "Who shit my pants?" Biden/Harris 24
OakPoke Supporter Yeah. Fbi Isn't the most trustworthy source now a days.
OakPoke Supporter Awwww how nice!!!
JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke Was it ever trustworthy?
OakPoke Supporter True
thrasybulus It's a photo from where they got just desserts.
OakPoke Supporter Bevery you're 5/9 in heels and alex is 5'3 wow!
OakPoke Supporter Great pictures
JQuickDraw Supporter A Joan Jett t-shirt. Very cool.
MudderFetcher Alex has legs?
OakPoke Supporter Alex were you wearing a Cardigan?
OakPoke Supporter Bowling, awesome
Qriist Supporter Joan Jett was just maining Inaros
JQuickDraw Supporter Alex's legs have not been confirmed in any of these photos. They're suspiciously absent in all of them.
thrasybulus The one photo that shows "Alex's" legs is unverifiable.
JQuickDraw Supporter lol That bowling photo looks like one of those videos where the girl is doing yoga and her cat walks up to the camera and stares wide eyed before swatting it.
thrasybulus Cruel Intentions is an adaptation of Dangerous Liasion.
OakPoke Supporter Wasn't it Sarah Michele Hewit aka huge tits? idk, think that's what i called her
thrasybulus Take a plot about conniving, soulless, lusty French nobility and set in in a 1990s HS in NY for rich kids.
OakPoke Supporter Sounds about it.
purpletiger69 For what it is worth the Captain of the ship was Ukranian
OakPoke Supporter They're going to rename the bridge to something Jive.
OakPoke Supporter I saw something saying the guy worked there 8 years ago...that he may not even still work there..idk, don't care a ton, but...
Qriist Supporter Did you hug Alex's legs to make sure they were coporeal?
OakPoke Supporter Cardigan ftw.
Qriist Supporter Could have made the excuse that you were just looking for cumstains.
MudderFetcher that's why you value high Dexterity
JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke Jennifer Love Hewitt?
OakPoke Supporter Lol that is her name. Thanks...been too many years.
JQuickDraw Supporter You blended two 2000s actresses into one lol
OakPoke Supporter 100 percent. 100 percent.
MudderFetcher if people keep trying to hug Alex's legs then I can see why she's not a big hugger lol
Qriist Supporter Inaros is a warframe that has sandstorm abilities.
thrasybulus JLH and SMG were in a movie together. I Know What You Did Last Summer.
JQuickDraw Supporter That sounds like a Hardy Boys story - The Case of the Corporeal Legs.
OakPoke Supporter She does squats and deadlifts every day so she can shake off the huggers
OakPoke Supporter @thrasybulus I think I saw that. Was Moesha also in it?
thrasybulus @OakPoke Maybe the sequel I Still Know What You Did Last Summer.
OakPoke Supporter Ahhh ok. That sounds right.
thrasybulus Spellcheck is not editing.
JQuickDraw Supporter I liked the 6th movie, You Guys Keep Doing the Same Shit Every Summer, Like Seriously?
OakPoke Supporter Sadly, it doesn't seem to stay checked in this window...
thrasybulus Harbor pilots exist. They bring ships into and out of port.
MudderFetcher captain,'s all just Seamen to me
OakPoke Supporter lmao @JQuickDraw
Qriist Supporter Seawrangler
Qriist Supporter "Aeronaut" and "aquanaut"?
Qriist Supporter then it aligns with astronaut
JQuickDraw Supporter "What do you do?" Looks nervously at Beverly, "I, uh, I'm a water driver."
thrasybulus That's not exactly the number of deaths of a Baltimore weekend.
Qriist Supporter or possibly, "blowjobber" and "squirter" for pilot and sailor, respectively.
thrasybulus A Baltimore Mayor hiding something that might be corruption related. never.
RonGreen1 A water pilot that crashes into a bridge should be called a woman driver.😂
JQuickDraw Supporter Old seafaring terminology for a seamen who can take a joke - watersport.
OakPoke Supporter When 35 W fell, everyone called everyone to see if their loved ones were on it, and the phones didn't work for an hour or so.
OakPoke Supporter *overwhelmed
OakPoke Supporter @Beverly was it Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? Great car/boat
JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, any car can go into the water. In fact, it's not that hard at all to drive it into the water.
RonGreen1 What do you call a cat with a gun? Kitty Kitty Bang Bang.
OakPoke Supporter that 100 percent happened in chitty chitty bang bang....have you guys watched the movie?
thrasybulus It's already been $1.25 Tree for awhile.
MudderFetcher perfect encapsulation of the Biden Residency...Seven Dollar Dollar Stores
MudderFetcher Five Below has $25 items now
RonGreen1 What do we get for ten dollars?
thrasybulus Five and Below has been around for awhile.
OakPoke Supporter 10 dollars? Some neat things @ harbor freight
JQuickDraw Supporter They can still claim everything in their stores is $1. $7 is called a big dollar item.
thrasybulus Dollar General was started almost a century ago and everything in the store was originally a dollar or less.
JQuickDraw Supporter Back then $1 was not that cheap actually.
OakPoke Supporter Imagine an ounce of gold was, about 15 or 35 an ounce? I forget.
MudderFetcher Family Dollar was the only one that sold beer/wine...ya know for the Family
thrasybulus Talk by the grandson of the founder of Dollar General and the last family member to run the company
Qriist Supporter season 2 is ongoing
RonGreen1 Isn't there a movie about giant rabbits that eat people?
Qriist Supporter next ep launches tomorrow, and then next week should be the last ep
OakPoke Supporter Sounds like a mix between Of mice and men, and Donnie Darko @RonGreen1
JQuickDraw Supporter I want to open a store where everything in it is pegged (haha) to the current price of a blowjob from a street walker, and call it Back Alley General.
thrasybulus Never should have left the gold standard.
OakPoke Supporter stable prices
Qriist Supporter no season 2 was half-launched last year
JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 I think there was a giant rabbit in the Twilight Zone movie.
thrasybulus Shouldn't all the Snapchat data disappear after 30 seconds?
OakPoke Supporter Tongue twisters
thrasybulus Snap chap's app stick.
Qriist Supporter Not to be confused with California's premiere mobile app, Snapcrap (yes that's a real thing)
MudderFetcher I use NoScript to block most of the subscription prompts and I forget. Sorry.
thrasybulus This totally increases my confidence in the metaverse.
JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Is that the app that tells people where the piles of shit are to help avoid them?
Qriist Supporter ya
JQuickDraw Supporter Free Market FTW I guess lol
OakPoke Supporter Planet fitness, nice.
thrasybulus What's worse Facebook spying on everything you do or them being able to predict things for you that well?
OakPoke Supporter It was listening or spying or whatever.
RonGreen1 Several years ago I was in a forum and called myself Grasshopper. I would get ads for lawn care products.😂
JQuickDraw Supporter For me, the insidious aspect of FB is that they create hidden shadow profiles on people who aren't on the site. They "triangulate" your data based on the people who know you, their photos and posts.
OakPoke Supporter I tried to block a cheech n chong pot advertisement on twitter...drove me nuts.
OakPoke Supporter @JQuickDraw Creepy
JQuickDraw Supporter NoScript blocks client side scripts on websites, like javascript. It's really difficult to use on the modern web because many many site simply won't function without javascript turned on.
Qriist Supporter artlce on snapcrap
OakPoke Supporter wow, it happened in minneapolis today...someone was saying soon minneapolis will need a poop app now
OakPoke Supporter so ppl can avoid the "others" pooping all over
JQuickDraw Supporter lol Someone should take a photo of Newsom and post it on Snapcrap.
Qriist Supporter this is a vice article on the local government's official "poop patrol" data.
Qriist Supporter headline image is the only important part ot look at, because it says everything you need to know.
MudderFetcher dodging the human shit teaches you how to also dodge the AIDS needles
thrasybulus More reasons too not go to/live in Frisco.
JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher Survival of the fittest at work
Qriist Supporter "If you can dodge a turd, you can dodge the HIV"
thrasybulus Anybody else remember San Fran's $1.7mil 2 year project to build a single public toilet, that was not completed.
MudderFetcher child sex trafficking as well
Qriist Supporter lol I just posted a diddler meme in discord
thrasybulus A well known rapper. Is that one too many ps?
MudderFetcher it's what the cargo was
JQuickDraw Supporter It was suggested online that the government raided the place so hard and fast because Diddy filmed big named people sleeping with kids at his mansion. Epstein anyone?
MudderFetcher "1.8M Gallons of Fuel and 56 Containers with Hazardous Materials"
thrasybulus If you are prepared and know what to do, you can jump off a bridge that tall and land in the water safely. That said, debris, cold water, etc.
OakPoke Supporter So puff daddy was involved in another mossad sex trafficking scheme or?
JQuickDraw Supporter San Franshitco
thrasybulus Rapper or raper.
thrasybulus One too many Ps?
JQuickDraw Supporter Oh, I thought you mentioned "p" because it was an R Kelly joke.
MudderFetcher you are sending in the clowns afterall
RonGreen1 Biden said he used to run across the bridge when he was training for the special Olympics.
MudderFetcher it's a list of "transphobic" twitter accounts someone has been keeping for a couple years
MudderFetcher they use Github so basically anyone can contribute
thrasybulus Crushing communists and their revolutions sounds like a good thing.
OakPoke Supporter I think I started following Posobiec recently, since he has talked about "subversive" or racial stuff, I forget.
MudderFetcher Poso is using basically anything on twitter to promote his book so who knows what he actually thinks
wesley1924 Supporter+ What does it all mean, Basil?
MudderFetcher I figured he was doing a Pol Pot skulls type imagery
thrasybulus Sleep. Night.
OakPoke Supporter My father was a combat vet (vietnam)...I showed him this meme about communists not being ppl when he was alive...he laughed, and loved it.
OakPoke Supporter
OakPoke Supporter Mccarthy was right though.
wesley1924 Supporter+ A better response would have been, "It will make more sense after you read the book."
JQuickDraw Supporter I think authors often don't create the title for their books, but this guy reacted so defensively it makes me think the title was all his.
wesley1924 Supporter+ That sounds like Neo-Con talk
OakPoke Supporter Neo con talk indeed
OakPoke Supporter Can we get an early life check? lol
OakPoke Supporter lol
OakPoke Supporter I think I followed you two but i don't remember the twitter account. I probably still have it, just unsure
OakPoke Supporter Now I kinda wanna get Posobiec's book lol
OakPoke Supporter Alex (the neocon) is doing a good job of talking it up :)
OakPoke Supporter Alex don't feel bad. I read Michael Medved's book "Right Turns"...boy is he full of himself.
RonGreen1 Beverly is the poster child for not posting.😂
OakPoke Supporter Time to hire Alex as a ghost writer. The southern avenger 2.
MudderFetcher I have it from a source that Alex just likes to argue...the source is MoeTown
OakPoke Supporter He used to go by "moesha". Trans apparently. His other nickname was silectActBad.
OakPoke Supporter @Beveryly. Who won in bowling? What were the scores?
OakPoke Supporter 136 and 148 are great scores!
OakPoke Supporter didn't break 100 well, practice makes perfect.
MudderFetcher oh did Beverly get to try some Kiltlifter?
MudderFetcher any jug passed around a party here is moonshine
OakPoke Supporter I wanna go bowling too.
OakPoke Supporter Beverly what is your high? Those are some good scores. I haven't been in about 15 years.
OakPoke Supporter Kitty wants some candy.
MudderFetcher I usually get whichever burger is covered in jalapenos and bacon
RonGreen1 The ESL menu.
OakPoke Supporter 180s dang!!! Nice. Do you have your own ball? If you don't, and you get a ball, you'll break 200 for sure.
MudderFetcher adding jalapenos to a bacon and blue cheese burger is also fantastic
JQuickDraw Supporter Would you rather have a grammatically perfect menu and just average food or a menu full of typos and amazing food?
OakPoke Supporter Great scores using house balls. Bowling was a great sport where you could smoke cigs n drink...
OakPoke Supporter Ping pong, star. Based.
JQuickDraw Supporter same price
RonGreen1 Beverly plays ping pong with nunchukas
Qriist Supporter I got distracted so I'm a little behind on the stream but I just got to the part where Beverly publicly announced that her bowler curves the right.
Qriist Supporter to the right*
JQuickDraw Supporter okay that made me laugh, so like pointing out mistakes, got it lol
JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Every time Beverly gets a strike, someone at the Daily Wire likes a Daily Beast post.
JQuickDraw Supporter NGL this is kinda hot, and it makes me want to eat meat.
Qriist Supporter lol
wesley1924 Supporter+ That's hot. Can I get a link?
OakPoke Supporter I guess the guy gets to feel up the gal, kinda...
MudderFetcher pretty sure they brush it out
MudderFetcher we should just brush really hairy dudes and make sweaters out of that
JQuickDraw Supporter By that logic, you shouldn't keep your kids clean and get their hair cut if they cry while doing it.
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User
RonGreen1 When I was a kid my dad got a home barber kit. I cried a lot.😭
MudderFetcher Chick-fil-A is switching to antibiotic injected chickens now
OakPoke Supporter Cornish X cross probably can't walk, at least partially due to growing so fast, they'd need vitamin B supplements ( i think)
JQuickDraw Supporter PETA has always been kinda like the slow kids at school. They really try hard, but are just not that sharp.
Qriist Supporter nah PETA's actively evil
OakPoke Supporter Guessing the dogs they rescue are mostly pits...
JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah most of the people in those "movements" are evil, I grant that. But PETA is also stupid.
JQuickDraw Supporter Although the Extinction Rebellion group is trying to take the title from PETA in recent years.
MudderFetcher if you don't like trash talk = mute all randos
MudderFetcher most of us figured that out 20+ years ago on Xbox Live
OakPoke Supporter Gotta crash. Good night Chat, Beverly and Alex. (likely will just listen). gn
JQuickDraw Supporter The real gamers aren't buying the shit games, and eventually the free corporate money used to push these agendas will dry up.
Qriist Supporter purging is commie talk
JQuickDraw Supporter I prefer "helicopter rides"
MudderFetcher out of the helicopter and into the wood chipper
MudderFetcher Barrens Chat was epic
JQuickDraw Supporter This gaming nonsense is a microcosm of the shit that has slowly ruined the internet for me over the last two decades. Why the fuck would anyone be offended by the words of strangers?
MudderFetcher I'm done with Diablo IV unless that itemization patch fixes a ton of stuff
wesley1924 Supporter+ I haven't played Left 4 Dead in like 20 years
Qriist Supporter let's play some L4D
Qriist Supporter the game sucks, but it's fun with friends
MudderFetcher Dead By Daylight was also in the news for the "transphobic" character
JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly humble bragging, "Oh I have so much software I keep opening the wrong programs. Woe is me."
RonGreen1 The war on terror was really the war on American citizens.
wesley1924 Supporter+ I just picked Black Flag up again.
JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 A lot of the "wars" wound up hurting Americans.
MudderFetcher I think they translated the whole song just under that
RonGreen1 Kamel Hump Harris is such a retard.🤣
wesley1924 Supporter+ Biden never commuted a day in his life.
RonGreen1 When they were passing out brains, Biden thought they said trains and took the first one out of town.
Qriist Supporter "trans to what" is an unintentionally badass line lmao
JQuickDraw Supporter "I remember riding across the Juan Valdez Bridge with Francis Scott Key on our donkeys when I was a child. "
wesley1924 Supporter+ Tell your bank/credit card to block the charges.
wesley1924 Supporter+ Just wash your stinky groin
JQuickDraw Supporter "Men and women have sweat glands in their groins." Tell me about it.
MudderFetcher Swamp Ass is a big problem here on the Gulf Coast lol
Qriist Supporter Beverly went looking for cum stains and sadly only found mustard stains. -.-
wesley1924 Supporter+ I like Oxyclean for stains.
wesley1924 Supporter+ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure... get him a bib.
JQuickDraw Supporter There are stain cleaners that have various enzymes in them. Different enzymes remove different types of stains (blood, soil, sweat, etc.).
MudderFetcher most of the ladies I know with big boobs keep Tide Pens around for food spills
Egerog Hard water?
MudderFetcher I always joke with my wife "Are you using your tits as forks?"
JQuickDraw Supporter You can buy sodium percarbonate, which is dry hydrogen peroxide. When it hits the water in the washer it turns to hydrogen peroxide and lifts out stains.
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -
wesley1924 Supporter+ Where's the goat lady link?
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User
MudderFetcher needs it for research purposes
wesley1924 Supporter+ I got banned off Twitter!!!
wesley1924 Supporter+ bye
JQuickDraw Supporter Friendship! Friendship!
MudderFetcher night everyone 🍻 ❤️
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16 hours agoRaid & Rant with the FF14 Guild on Rumble! Halo Night just wrapped up! - Go Follow all these great guys please! - 2/15/2025
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18 hours agoWoW Classic Hardcore (LVL 60) | RAID DAY | Rumble FIRST HC Raid
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Barry Cunningham
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Tundra Tactical
15 hours ago $2.86 earnedIs Trumps Executive Order A Second Amendment Wishlist???: The Worlds Okayest Gun Live Stream
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John Crump Live
20 hours ago $27.37 earnedSaturday Night Main Event!