"Kruger and Ward" (1919 Original Black & White Film)

8 months ago

Experience the comedic genius of Kruger and Ward in "The Tall and Short of It," a delightful performance captured in this vintage black and white film from 1919. Watch as the tall clown and his shorter companion charm audiences with their playful antics and impressive acrobatic feats. From flirtatious encounters to jaw-dropping contortions, this classic act showcases the timeless appeal of circus entertainment. Join us as we step back in time and witness the magic of vaudeville comedy and physical prowess in this captivating footage.

Source :
Kruger And Ward, Commonwealth Pictures Corporation & Afi/Peters. (1919) Kruger and Ward. Spanuth, H. A. U., prod [United States: Commonwealth Pictures Corp., or 1920?] [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/96521478/

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