Just Us Justice Energy Vlog

11 months ago

Just Us Justice Energy Vlog Title is from the date, March 27, 2024 thus we have 38 which adds to #11 the master number for the ascended masters like Yeshua and Buddha. Eleven is also the Justice card which we prefer is fair balanced and Applied to all equally.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site showed us an amplitude power of 10 the wheel of fortune at 8:30AM UTC, thus, Justice starts the wheel of fortune in motion for its karmic change to the deep state. The Quality power of 10.2 thus give us # 12 the Hanged Man Card with its call to halt our action, make the sacrifice to pray o for ascension aidin the coming weeks. The frequency average is a whopping 8.05 Hertz that is way high for an alpha state. It adds up to # 13 The Death card which is about transformation. it is a transition from one state of being to another. Fear it not for your soul is eternal and you are always welcome in GODs house.

Thus, we can say about it all is: Let Justice bring the Wheel of Fortune for the Karmic change the Hanged Man sacrifice to change his perspective on Death and rebirth into something new. I went with the Numerology Guidance cards today we got the # 71 Health card, Breathe deep Drinik clean water free of flouride and eat as little processed food as possible. grow your own garden it will ground you and five you organic food to eat.
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