Energy guru Dr. Lars Schernikau tells us why the touted "energy transition" is completely off-base!

11 months ago

Episode 88 is another must-see. Energy economist, entrepreneur, commodities trader, and author Dr. Lars Schernikau joins us to talk about his latest book, *The Unpopular Truth about Electricity and the Future of Energy,* which he co-wrote with Professor William Hayden Smith.

Lars dives into just why our current path of rapid additions of variable renewables is wrong and why battery storage and hydrogen won't help. He introduces his concept of eROI - energy return on investment - and tells us why it's crucial. He tells us why coal is still vital and why nuclear is an absolute must, and how geothermal and even off-planet solar might play a part in our energy future.

And finally, he explains why the situation right now in Germany ought to be educating us all on exactly the wrong way to do things energy-wise.

Do tune in and listen to the whole thing!

Check out Lars's homepage here:

And get a copy of his book (highly recommended!) here:

This episode aired originally on YouTube on February 6, 2024.

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