What happened to Biblical Marriage? - LIVE That Christian Panel

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Many in the "red pill," manospehere, incel, MGTOW and feminist communities have disparaged the institution of marriage and pointed to either women or men as the culprit for why so many marriages end in divorce. In the MGTOW community in particular there has been a growing sentiment that marriage is not worth it in 2024 and would be a mistake for men to enter into. But what's the real reason behind the destruction of marriage and stable families?

Join us at 6pm CST on Wednesday, March 27th, for another LIVE That Christian Panel on #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith. We are joined by Odin from OMB reviews, Brahmaull and special guest Dale Richardson (@DjsRichardson) for a discussion on the meaning and intent of Biblical Marriage and how it differs from marriage as often defined in our current culture.

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