Saturn, Jupiter and Mars; and the Black Death

11 months ago

In the 14th century, as soon as someone complained of a headache, they became suspect. This might be accompanied by fever and chills. Then the tongue might begin to swell, and turn a white-ish color. The lymph nodes would swell. Finally, black and purple spots began to appear on the skin. And when they did, the outcome was all but certain – death would follow in a week or less.
This was a very real and agonizing reality for those who contracted the Black Death, and those who lost loved ones to it.
The reason, according to scholars at the university of Paris at the time, was because of what happened in the sky on March 20th, 1945. That was the night that Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars came together in an alignment. This triple conjunction within the 40th degree of Aquarius was the event that created a horrible plague.
But perhaps… that planets in alignment thing might not have had a thing to with it.

More info:,and%20Jupiter%20would%20bring%20disaster.

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