Useful Idiots Running Wild

10 months ago

The phrase 'useful idiots' refers to Westerners duped into saying good things about bad regimes.

In political jargon it was used to describe Soviet sympathizers in Western countries and the attitude of the Soviet government towards them.

A more complete definition of the term "useful idiots" is a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically being used by the cause's leaders. The term was often used during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and psychological manipulation. It also describes the modern day followers of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the so-called "Progressives" also known as the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Democratic National Committee; most of whom are card-carrying members of the American Communist Party.

Useful idiots, in a broader sense, refers to Western journalists, travelers and intellectuals who gave their blessing -- often with evangelistic fervor -- to tyrannies and tyrants, thereby convincing politicians and public that utopias rather than concentration camps thrived.

John Sweeney looks at Stalin's Western apologists and explores how present day stories of human rights abuses across the world are still rewritten.

Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got It Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First

Who’s on the wrong side of history? Liberals, argues Mona Charen in this New York Times bestseller. And they've been on the wrong side for far too long. A former speechwriter for the Reagan White House, Charen describes how the left has continually attempted to rewrite history, all the while refusing to learn from it. She fearlessly calls out the prominent liberal media figures, professors, and opinion makers who flocked to Castro’s Cuba and called it paradise, visited the Soviet Union and proclaimed its glorious future, and who, only a generation ago, proclaimed communism to be a "force of good" in the world. She won't let them get away with their snide disdain for America when the lessons of the past should have humbled them long ago. From D.C. elites Madeleine Albright, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and Ted Kennedy, to Hollywood celebs like Woody Allen and Jane Fonda, to academic snobs like Noam Chomsky and Susan Sontag, Charen’s devastating critique of the left's philosophical incompetence is a must-read for Americans on both sides of the aisle.

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