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Hello Suckers Everything For Free We Investigated NYC’s Illegal Immigrant Invasion
Everything Is For Free And Help Yourself To Anything You Want All NYC Viewers And All Felons, Illegals And MS13 Welcome To NYC Reads "Official Sanctuary State" We Love You. We Investigated NYC’s One Million Illegal Immigrant Invasion As Planned "Kill Or Be Killed" Welcome To All New York City Mayor Eric Adams Said To Immigrated To The USA Legally. Most people here are not against immigration. The reason a strong border is important is because our system cannot handle this type of flooding. When the border is strong, people immigrant legally which guides and supports them to get housing, jobs, healthcare, retirement, etc. When its weak like under this administration, people become homeless, they turn to illegal work, and even crime. People look at republicans and say its racist to want a strong border, when the reason for a strong border is to prevent situations like this which make it incredibly difficult for the people.
Hello Suckers Welcome To Everything Is For Free Death-Rape-Drugs We Investigated NYC’s Illegal Immigrant Invasion Death To All America In 2024. NYC’s One Million Illegal Immigrant Invasion As Its Planned "Kill Or Be Killed" Attorney General Letitia James A True Lesbian and Bisexual Women African American Administration is "Too Male, Too Pale and Too Stale" Racists Attorney General Needs To Resigned be Disbarred Immediately. She Said I Hate White USA !
So Letitia James says she's prepared to seize Trump's buildings if he can't pay his $354M civil fraud fine. Trump Tower To Be Turn Into A Homeless Shelters And Is Planning For 10,000 Persons New Cage & Coffin Homes By New York City Orders!
Per President Biden’s And UN Agenda 2030 Planning For 100 Million Illegal Immigration To Be Let Into U.S.A. By 2030 As Per UN Planning And The Take Over U.S.A. By UN Agenda 2030.
People's Republic Of United States Of America Declared Its An Open Sanctuary Cities Is Open To All Good Or Bad Or Who Care ? Be-Headings - Homeless - Drug - Death - Rape - Sex Workers - Child Pedophile's Etc. Is The Border A Crisis Or An ‘Invasion’? Texas Gov. Greg Abbott claims that President Biden’s failure to faithfully execute the immigration laws enacted by Congress has violated Article IV, § 4 of the U.S. Constitution, which provides that “The United States . . . shall protect each [State in this Union] against Invasion.”
Hey Man USA-Mexico Border Is Closed-Border Is Secure-We Our A Sanctuary Cities -
We have publicly confronted hate groups, fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property, provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict people's reproductive autonomy, exposed harmful pseudo-scientific practitioners in mental health care, organized clubs alongside other religious after-school clubs in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations, and engaged in other advocacy in accordance with our tenets.
I immigrated to the USA legally. Most people here are not against immigration. The reason a strong border is important is because our system cannot handle this type of flooding. When the border is strong, people immigrant legally which guides and supports them to get housing, jobs, healthcare, retirement, etc. When its weak like under this administration, people become homeless, they turn to illegal work, and even crime. People look at republicans and say its racist to want a strong border, when the reason for a strong border is to prevent situations like this which make it incredibly difficult for the people.
People's Republic Of New York's Fake Justice System Ridiculous Politicized Joke -
People's Republic Of New York City Fake Justice System Ridiculous Politicized Joke As I Ran On I Will Get Trump At All Cost And My personal feelings and my politics stop at the door. The litigation that I engage in does not allow me to inject my emotions into it. Letitia Ann James (born October 18, 1958) is an American lawyer and politician serving since 2019 as the Attorney General of New York (NYAG), having won the 2018 election to succeed Barbara Underwood. A member of the Democratic Party, James is the First Lesbian and Bisexual Women African American and first woman to be elected New York Attorney General.
Death To America Meet N.Y.A.G. Leticia James American Irish Historical Society -
NYAG Letitia James now has been caught in the middle of her own fraud scandal, with new allegations emerging that she is using her office to avoid paying a $3 million loan while protecting a group that overly-inflated their property values. Meanwhile, Trump appealed Engoron's $450m order, arguing the ruling is unconstitutional and in violation of prior findings from the New York Court of Appeals. N.Y.A.G. Said "Nobody Is Above The Law" But Me And The People's Republic Of New York's Fake Justice System. And Arthur F. Engoron is a judge of the Supreme Court 1st Judicial District in New York. He ran unopposed in the general election on November 3, 2015. Engoron's current term ends in 2029.
General Counsel for the Attorney General Larry Schimmel asked Khan to “stay remote in your position” and “refrain from socializing with any OAG staff, or anyone in any capacity affiliated with the AG.” Several State Republicans are calling for a probe into James’ decision to keep her staffer’s sexual harassment complaints under wraps until after she won her re-election bid.
James was the New York City Public Advocate, a role intended to help people navigate and resolve issues with government services and serve as a watchdog over City Hall.
The job made James a familiar fixture in the city, often appearing at crime scenes, news conferences and other events to amplify the concerns of city residents.
She has also served in the City Council and worked as a a public defender and an assistant state attorney general. She graduated from Lehman College in the Bronx and earned her law degree from Howard University in Washington.
Per U.S.A. Government DOA-DOJ-FBI-CIA-Etc. Everyone In U.S.A. All Person And Or America Citizens Right Now Today Is A Criminal As of Oct 2023 Need To Be In Jail Or Pay $$$ Fines Now. Per all federal and local police and all government agencies. All The America People Break The Law's Average 3 Times Everyday with A Average Fine of $512 dollars a day. it add up to $512 x 365 days in a year add up to $186,880 Dollars per year in fines per every person alive today right now. also federal and local agencies issue an average of 27 rules for every law over the past decade.
However, the rules issued in a given year are typically not substantively related to the current year’s laws, as agency output represents ongoing implementation of earlier legislation. Remember That Ignorance of the law is a fundamental legal principle in the US that means that if someone breaks the law, they are still liable even if they had no knowledge of the law being broken. According to a 2020 article, the more than 300,000+ laws and regulatory crimes on the federal law books serve little purpose other than inviting arbitrary enforcement by providing prosecutors the tools to charge nearly anyone every day for your life with violating some long-forgotten regulation or law and to pay the fines now or go to jail for everyone in the U.S.A.. Government Every Man, Women, & Child Is A Criminal & Need 2 Go To Jail for life.
Confiscating Entire Wealth of All The Billionaires and Kill Them and Family Too! There are 724 (billionaires) in the U.S., and more overseas according to the 2021 Forbes billionaires list, released in April,” the Journal reports. “At that point their collective net worth was $4.4 trillion, although that figure has presumably since risen along with the stock market. So Per 60% Death taxes are taxes imposed by the federal and some state governments on someone's estate upon their death - Death taxes are also called death duties, estate taxes, or inheritance taxes. After getting the money maybe in 20 weeks or so - Own Government plan's are to kill rest of the family member for more estate taxes, or inheritance taxes.
An Irish society, an unpaid loan and the hypocrisy of Letitia James
People's Republic Of New York State Democratic Party Death To America U.S.A. -
U.S.A.. Government Every Man, Women, & Child & Trans & Woke Etc. Is A Criminal & Need To Go To Jail For Life.
Per U.S.A. Government Everyone Is A Criminal Confiscation All Property & All Assets -
Confiscating Entire Wealth of All The Billionaires and Kill Them and Family Too! There are 736 (billionaires) in the U.S., and more overseas according to the 2022 Forbes billionaires list, released in 2022,” the Journal reports. “At that point their collective net worth was $6.9 trillion, although that figure has presumably since risen along with the stock market. So Per 60% Death taxes are taxes imposed by the federal and some state governments on someone's estate upon their death - Death taxes are also called death duties, estate taxes, or inheritance taxes. After getting the money maybe in 20 weeks or so - Own Government plan's are to kill rest of the family member for more estate taxes, or inheritance taxes.
The phoenix is a mythical golden bird associated with renewal and regeneration. Rising from the ashes of its previous life, the phoenix is a symbol of hope, of life and of better things to come, born from the knowledge and experience of difficult times and challenging circumstances.
Dan Smoot was one of the first Americanist or Patriot TV commentators. He was the author of "The Invisible Government"-one of the earliest exposes of the Council on Foreign Relations. G. Edward does the introduction.
U.S.A. Is A Constitutional Republic, Not A Democracy.
Welcome 2 New World Order Black-White-Yellow-Brown Peoples Dan Smoot Report -
Welcome 2 New World Order Black-White-Yellow-Brown-Red-Woke-Trans-Etc. Peoples Of The New America Phoenix Rising From The Ashes... See The True Dan Smoot Report To U.S.A.. So Yes America Is A Republic & Is Not A Democracy Is A Dangerous And Wrong Argument Enabling Sustained Minority Rule At The National level Is Not A Feature Of Our True Constitutional Design But A Perversion Of It. We The True People's Of The Worlds.
What Is The Difference Between A Democracy And True Constitutional Republic -
A. democracy is a political system in which the people periodically, by majority vote at the polls, select their rulers. The rulers then have absolute power to make whatever laws they please, by majority vote among themselves. In a constitutional Republic, the people also, by majority vote at the polls, select rulers, who make laws by majority vote among themselves; but the rulers cannot make any laws they please, because the Constitution severely restricts their
law-making power.
United States Is A Constitutional Republic & Original Intent Of Constitution History -
The ideal of a democracy is universal equality. The ideal of a constitutional Republic is indi¬vidual liberty.
Subversion of Language
Per U.S.A. Government Every Man, Women, & Child Is A Criminal & Need 2 Go To Jail -
In this century, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our Republic and transforming it into a democracy. One tactic of the subverters is subversion of language. By calling the United States a democracy until people thoughtlessly accept and use the term, totali-tarians have obscured the real meaning of our principles of government.
People's Republic Of Supreme Court Ethics And Years Of Astonishing Corruption -
The Supreme Court of the United States has adopted a code of conduct to guide the conduct of the members of the court, following reports of undisclosed property deals and gifts. The code aims to avoid the appearance of impropriety in all activities and should not allow family, social, political financial or other relationships to influence official conduct or judgment. However, the code's enforcement is still unclear, and the court is still studying how it will be put into effect. The Brennan Center argues that the new rules are more loopholes than law and are designed to fail. The Justices will continue to rely on the Office of Legal Counsel for recurring ethics and financial disclosure issues, but there is no mention of how any violations will be enforced. John Oliver discusses the Supreme Court, the ethically questionable gifts some of the justices receive, and an offer for Clarence Thomas that could ruin John’s life. Genuinely. You’ll see.
In Memory of... Bad Choice, Bad Home, Free Drugs, Child Rape, Rest In Peace -
In Memory of... A Compilation of Clips of Soft White Underbelly Interviewees who have passed away since SWU started in 2019 May All Rest In Peace U.S.A. Here are name to the full length videos listed in order...
We People's Republic Of America Declared Its An Sanctuary Cities You Ain't Black U Not Vote 4 Me. Congressional Black Caucus and Lori Elaine Lightfoot and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic leader "Squad," a group of color, including Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley with Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden and ex-President's Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and Others.
The United States is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. The Founding Fathers ratified the U.S. Constitution to form a more perfect union, protect individual rights, and prevent the tyranny of democracy. The word "democracy" is not found in the Declaration of Independence nor in the Constitution. The Constitution was meant to foster a complex form of majority rule, not enable minority rule. The goal of government by the people, including both a democracy and a republic, was understood when the Constitution was drafted and ratified. Power is not found in mere majorities, but in carefully balanced power. The goal is freedom, prosperity, and human flourishing.
Chicago Releases Three Year Prostitution Study If 40,000 Young People Move-In With Older Men Prostitution Will Go Down Fast And Price For Sex Slave Will Drop Maybe By 60% In The City And They The People Will Get Free Room And Board To If You Move-In With A Older Chicago Man Today.
Head's Of Chicago Say: If The Racist Black Men Or Women, Will Not Support The City Of Chicago New Open City Polices Of Illegal Immigrants As Residents Who Have Rights Too. We Can Feed You For Free In Jail If You Want... lol Remember You Voted For Open Borders In The First Place.
People's Republic Of United States Of America Declared Its An Open Sanctuary Cities Is Open To Vets - Homeless - Drug - Rape - Sex Workers - Pedophile's Etc. See All The Real People's From U.S.A. Who Are Raped, Drugs Out And Sex Slave, Killing Etc. Today ! YouTube 1.8k Video's Over 1 Billons Views See At (Soft White Underbelly) interviews from people who are still alive today and portraits of the human very sad condition in America from peoples all walks of live by photographer, Mark Laita. p.s. tens of thousands of other people are dead now who did not make it today.
Biden-Harris Administration To All Blacks If You Can't Afford To Pay Rent In Your Town... Its O.K. For You To Move Anytime You Want Too... But Remember “You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” So Move If Have Too... But Keep Your Vote For The Democrat Party.
We listed name above we love you and America Declared That U.S.A. Is Now An Open City and Sanctuary Cities to all peoples of the world and all are welcome to everyone. p.s. everything is free to all America and any color are free a be happy. good people and or bad people its up to you.
Chicago prosecutors only issue felony charges for theft of property over $1,000 and San Francisco has decriminalized petty theft stealing goods worth less than $900 does not count as a felony but a misdemeanor. However, California defines shoplifting as entering a commercial establishment during regular business hours with the intent to steal merchandise valued at $950 or less. Shoplifting is a misdemeanor punishable by probation, fines, restitution to the victim, and up to 6 months of jail time.
yes remember best time to steal merchandise is in the winter time under valued at $950 or less if you go to jail you still get free food and a warm place to live in the winter is good. yes we have free jail space for 40 million only at a time... thank you.
Per U.S.A. Government DOA-DOJ-FBI-CIA-Etc. Everyone In U.S.A. All Person And Or America Citizens Right Now Today Is A Criminal As of Oct 2023 Need To Be In Jail Or Pay $$$ Fines Now. Per all federal and local police and all government agencies. All The America People Break The Law's Average 3 Times Everyday with A Average Fine of $512 dollars a day. it add up to $512 x 365 days in a year add up to $186,880 Dollars per year in fines per every person alive today right now. also federal and local agencies issue an average of 27 rules for every law over the past decade.
However, the rules issued in a given year are typically not substantively related to the current year’s laws, as agency output represents ongoing implementation of earlier legislation. Remember That Ignorance of the law is a fundamental legal principle in the US that means that if someone breaks the law, they are still liable even if they had no knowledge of the law being broken. According to a 2020 article, the more than 300,000+ laws and regulatory crimes on the federal law books serve little purpose other than inviting arbitrary enforcement by providing prosecutors the tools to charge nearly anyone every day for your life with violating some long-forgotten regulation or law and to pay the fines now or go to jail for everyone in the U.S.A.. Government Every Man, Women, & Child Is A Criminal & Need 2 Go To Jail for life.
Confiscating Entire Wealth of All The Billionaires and Kill Them and Family Too! There are 724 (billionaires) in the U.S., and more overseas according to the 2021 Forbes billionaires list, released in April,” the Journal reports. “At that point their collective net worth was $4.4 trillion, although that figure has presumably since risen along with the stock market. So Per 60% Death taxes are taxes imposed by the federal and some state governments on someone's estate upon their death - Death taxes are also called death duties, estate taxes, or inheritance taxes. After getting the money maybe in 20 weeks or so - Own Government plan's are to kill rest of the family member for more estate taxes, or inheritance taxes.
Here are name links to the full length videos listed in order... Cassandra: • Heroin and Crack Addict interview-Cas... Amanda:
• Amanda James: • Rapist interview-James Bonafide:
• Prostitute-Bonafide Breeze:
• Heroin Addict interview-Bree SB:
• Reflections of a Gangster-SB (Part 1) Lawrence: • Crystal Meth Addict interview-Lawrence Hines: • Homeless War Veteran interview-Hines Wendy:
• Crack Addict interview-Wendy /vi... Frank Cullotta:
• Mafia/Mob Hit Man-Frank Cullotta Green Eyes:
• Homeless Woman interview-Sharon aka "... Geraldine: • Appalachian Woman interview-Geraldine Lin: *This video was deleted. Arthur:
• Gang Member-Arthur Brian:
• Trick interview-Brian Chosen:
• Pimp interview-Chosen Lehman:
• Appalachian Man interview-Lehman Angel:
• Homeless Man interview-Angel Essence: • Prostitute interview - Essence JT:
• Ex Drug Dealer interview-JT Ryan Leone:
• A Life On Drugs-Ryan Leone Frank:
• Crack Addict interview-Frank Elmer:
• Appalachian Man interview-Elmer Tee Tee:
• Prostitute interview-Tee Tee Jake:
• Ex Transgender Woman interview-Jake Kenny Red:
• Pimp interview-Kenny Red
• Pimp interview-Kenny Red (follow up) Adrian:
• Alcoholic-Adrian Jessica: • Alcoholic Sex Worker-Jessica Alex: • Gang Member interview-Alex Michelle:
• Crack Addict interview-Michelle Kristina:
• Teenage Runaway-Kristina Jerry:
• Shooting Victim-Jerry 2020 (Part 1)
• Shooting Victim-Jerry 2020 (part 2) Melissa:
• Crack Addict-Melissa Butter:
• Prostitute interview-Butter Diamond D:
• Pimp interview-Diamond D Kysch:
• Escort interview-Kysch Arthur AKA Lil' Man:
• Gang Member interview-Arthur AKA "Lil... Evelyn: • Homeless Woman interview-Evelyn
• Homeless Woman-Evelyn (follow up) Sergio:
• Gang Member interview-Sergio Catt:
• Prostitute interview-Catt Niqi:
• Alcoholic interview-Niqi Smiley Ru:
• Gang Member interview-Smiley Ru
• Gang Member Christmas Message-Smiley Ru Pastor Troy: • Pimp interview-Pastor Troy Faith:
• Teenage Prostitute interview-Faith
• Prostitute interview-Faith (follow up) Carlos: • Ex Gang Member interview-Carlos Wendy:
• Prostitute interview-Wendy Stephan:
• Poly-Drug Addict interview-Stephan Hye-Jung: • Crack Addict interview-Hye-jung Big Heavy:
• Drug Dealer interview-Big Heavy
• Drug Dealer interview-Big Heavy (foll... Dro:
• A Pimpin' Manifesto-Pimp Dro Cucuz:
• Pimp interview-Cucuz Victoria:
• Crack Addict interview-Victoria Tony AKA Bandit (and Honey): • Drug Addicted Couple interview-Honey ... Tank: Victoria:
• Crack Addict interview-Victoria Amber (and Lurch): • Drug Addicted Appalachian Couple-Lurc... Scarlett: • Xanax Addict interview-Scarlett Dre:
• Dodging Death-Dre Precious: Pablo: • Fentanyl Addicted Gang Member-Pablo Ke:
• Prostitute interview-Ke'
• Ex Prostitute interview-Ke' (follow up) Lay Low: • Ex Drug Dealer interview-Lay Low Hannah: Ricky:
• Crack Addict interview-Ricky Monique:
• Homeless Woman interview-Monique Reggie:
• Trick interview-Reggie
• Trick interview-Reggie (follow up) Valerie:
• Crack Addict interview-Valerie Norman:
• Norman
Great Job To Video Maker Mark Laita, A Filmmaker and Photographer in Los Angeles, Will Share A Curated Collection of “Soft White Underbelly.” The screening goes like forever. Laita, who has more than 4.5 million subscribers to his YouTube channel, said his goal is to humanize others who lack the means to tell their stories. José García Moreno, the director of ACTI, will lead a panel discussion during the screening. “Laita’s work is non-judgmental, which allows the viewer to walk along in compassion by experiencing stories with a sense of deep humanity,” said García Moreno. “ACTI believes in humanizing others through their own stories.”
Hearing stories of the voiceless and of human beings at the margins is not only an ethical call, but also a cinematic necessity. Laita’s work isn’t easy, but his reputation is growing as a documentary filmmaker. He converses with people who seem unapproachable and allows audiences to find dignity when trauma overwhelms the least fortunate. The goal of this event is not to shock, entertain, or haunt. The stories range from people who are fentanyl addicts, victims of sexual trafficking, heroin addict, etc.
Soft White Underbelly Intro Video's Over 1,800+ Video's & Over 1 Billion Views -
Great Job To Video Maker Mark Laita, A Filmmaker and Photographer in Los Angeles, Will Share A Curated Collection of “Soft White Underbelly.” The screening goes like forever. Laita, who has more than 4.5 million subscribers to his YouTube channel, said his goal is to humanize others who lack the means to tell their stories. José García Moreno, the director of ACTI, will lead a panel discussion during the screening. “Laita’s work is non-judgmental, which allows the viewer to walk along in compassion by experiencing stories with a sense of deep humanity,” said García Moreno. “ACTI believes in humanizing others through their own stories.”
Hearing stories of the voiceless and of human beings at the margins is not only an ethical call, but also a cinematic necessity. Laita’s work isn’t easy, but his reputation is growing as a documentary filmmaker. He converses with people who seem unapproachable and allows audiences to find dignity when trauma overwhelms the least fortunate. The goal of this event is not to shock, entertain, or haunt. The stories range from people who are fentanyl addicts, victims of sexual trafficking, heroin addict, etc.
García Moreno believes this type of work ties into ACTI’s mission. “Accompanying others, listening to others, acting with justice to support others, and seeing others are pillars of our mission based on the values of Ignatian spirituality,” said García Moreno. This is a community event; LMU students, faculty, and staff.
Soft White Underbelly is an American YouTube channel by Mark Laita, a former commercial photographer, who interviews "people who are frequently invisible in society—the unhoused, the sex worker, the chronic drug user, the runaway, the gang member, the poor and the sick". Laita created the channel in April 2016. It emphasizes interviews with people from Skid Row, Los Angeles.
Lateshia Beachum wrote in the Washington Post that "Laita's warmly lit videos are portraits of addicts who recount childhood sexual abuse with detachment, sex workers who shed tears while telling of betrayal that led them to be trafficked as children, and gang members who talk about missing out on having their parents' affection." Breanna Robinson wrote in Indy100 that "Soft White Underbelly is captivating because of the way it humanizes those who have society's stamp of condemnation on them."
The channel gained attention in 2021 with the death of a previous interviewee, Amanda.
Amanda, Who Appeared On Soft White Underbelly , Passes Away at Age 25 Amanda, a woman who was one of the subjects of the Soft White Underbelly series on YouTube, has passed away at age 25, according to a video update from the channel.
On Saturday, May 15, Lima Jevremovic appeared alongside Amanda's father on Soft White Underbelly to speak about Amanda's death. Lima, who helped Amanda get into treatment and organized a Go Fund Me for her future recovery efforts, explained how Amanda, who was in a treatment facility, was found unresponsive in her bed on May 9. Mark Laita, a photographer and the creator of the YouTube series, said in a statement to E! News, "Until Amanda's autopsy is finished we won't know exactly what caused her death on Sunday (5/9). All we know is they've ruled out drugs or foul play. We should know more in the next week or so."
A resident of Skid Row in Los Angeles, Amanda first shared her story with the world in December 2019. She spoke about her addiction to crack cocaine as well as her experience with sex work. In one of the videos, Amanda is seen with a black eye, and is unable to recall whether she had spoken with Mark previously.
In April 2021, Soft White Underbelly shared a video of Amanda in which she explained she was now receiving treatment, with the assistance of Lima, who helped organize and pay for her recovery efforts.
Amanda appeared hopeful about her future. "I want people to see that it takes time and effort," she explained. "Being sober and being in recovery are two different things. I am in recovery. I just want to make action and do the things so that I can stay sober for the rest of my life." In addition to her addiction to drugs, she shared that she was diagnosed with schizophrenia, which is one of the reasons she wanted to stay sober.
Celebrity Deaths: 2021's Fallen Stars
Amanda also shared that she hoped to become a certified nursing assistant, as she helped out with her brother, who is autistic, while growing up. "I think I would be really good at that," she said. "I would enjoy it."
Social media expressed their sorrow over Amanda's passing.
Toni Tone, the host of the Money Moves podcast, expressed her condolences on Twitter, writing, "So sad to discover that Amanda from Soft White Underbelly has passed away. RIP to such a determined and sweet soul, who touched so many hearts."
"The story from soft white underbelly of Amanda will always be an amazing story," wrote another follower. "She changed her life completely around. She proved others wrong when they said she wouldn't change. She is amazing and her powerful story will forever live on. Rest easy Amanda!"
Another shared, "Heartbroken to hear of the passing of Amanda from Soft White Underbelly. I'm glad that we were able to see her journey + to hear that she was such a blessing and encouragement to those around her at her rehab facility."
Prostitute interview-Exotic AKA Asriah - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Exotic AKA Asriah, a prostitute on Figueroa Street in South Central Los Angeles.
This video opened my eyes to a reality I never imagined could be real. It also made me realize the importance of adoption. Powerful video. Thank you, Exotic. Wishing you love, stability, and new life from now on. I see the views on this video and can't help but wonder: Does some of the adsense income generated from this video go to getting her help, rehab, child support, street protection, etc.?
When we talk about being a “prostitute” at 13 years old - we are actually talking about a child who has been a victim of child sexual exploitation. We should be making this clear in our terminology. A pimp is an organised criminal who should be prosecuted and the clients jailed. Children cannot consent when they are being enforced to do something. Hoping she can find the help/support she needs to find freedom from this oppression!
I came from a wonderful family. Fell into prostitution and stripped for 20 years. Drugs alcohol total insanity. Raped, bitten, lit on fire, beat up, guns to my head and knives to my throat and left for dead. It's a life that just gradually happened to me and then it was the norm. I was able to switch off emotions whenever I needed to. I had a madam for years until I went out on my own. Lived that life for 20 years. Thank God I survived. Now I am a proud woman in recovery and I wouldn't change a thing about my past. I get her totally.
Shooting Victim interview-Jerry - - Soft White Underbelly Interview and portrait of Jerry, a man who survived a shotgun blast to the face while waiting at a bus stop on his way home from work. Jerry Nave passed away in November of 2020 from complications from his COPD.
Escort interview-Frenchie - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Frenchie, an escort based in Southern California.
Rapist interview-James - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of James, a man convicted of numerous violent crimes. For those viewers interested in hearing more of James, I posted another, longer interview where he talks about his first murder and his current pursuit, murdering convicted child molesters on Skid Row.
Master and Slave interview-Berlin and Angel Blue - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Berlin and Angel Blue, a master and slave couple in Los Angeles.
Functional Heroin Addict interview-Matthew - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Matthew, a functional heroin addict from San Francisco.
Pimp and Prostitute interview-Master J and Lil’ Mama - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Master J and Lil’ Mama, a pimp and prostitute in South Central Los Angeles.
Nymphomaniac interview-Jessica - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Jessica, a female sex addict in Columbus, Ohio.
Ku Klux Klan Member interview-JD - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of JD, a Ku Klux Klans member from North Carolina.
Recovering Drug Addict and Sex Worker-Izzy - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Izzy, a recovering drug addict and sex worker in Los Angeles.
Sex Addict interview-Drew - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Drew, a sex addict in Rochester, New York.
Skinhead interview-Donny - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Donny, a skinhead living on Skid Row.
Fentanyl Addict interview-Kelly - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Kelly, a fentanyl addict on Skid Row.
Polyamorous Woman interview-Nyx - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Nyx, a polyamorous woman in Long Beach, California.
Thai Transgender (Ladyboy) Prostitute interview-Ellen - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Ellen, a transgender prostitute in Bangkok, Thailand.
Unfaithful Wife interview-Kiara - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Kiara, a Reno, Nevada woman who cheated on her husband.
Orylan and Isaac (follow up) - - Soft White Underbelly follow up interview and portrait of Orylan and her boyfriend, Isaac, from Houston, Texas.
Hells Angels Biker interview-Flash - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Flash, a member of the Hells Angels in Oakland, California.
Ex Gang Member interview-Johnny - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Johnny, a former gang member in Los Angeles.
Hacker interview-Gummo - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Gummo, a computer hacker from Jacksonville, Florida.
Fentanyl Overdose-Rebecca - - Soft White Underbelly update with Rebecca, a transgender woman on Skid Row.
Schizophrenic Man interview-Chris - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Chris, a schizophrenic man on Skid Row.
Serial Killer Researcher interview-Laura Brand - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Laura Brandd, a serial killer researcher in Los Angeles.
Nudists interview-Teresa and Mike - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Teresa and Mike, a nudist couple from Lutz, Florida.
Dominatrix interview-Monique - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Monique, a dominatrix in Los Angeles.
Master and Slave interview-Berlin and Angel Blue (follow up) - - Soft White Underbelly follow up interview and portrait of Berlin and Angel Blue, a master and slave couple in Los Angeles.
Dominatrix and Submissive interview-Goddess Severa - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of dominatrix Goddess Severa and her "gimp", Mike, a submissive in Los Angeles.
Crystal Meth Addict interview-Juliana AKA “Diamond” - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Juliana AKA Diamond, a crystal meth addict on Skid Row.
My Parents Were Pedophiles-Lisa - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Lisa, a survivor of childhood trauma now living in Phoenix, Arizona.
Heroin Addict-Ronnie - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Ronnie, a young heroin addict on Skid Row.
The Reality of Being a Sex Worker-Rollii - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Rollii, a sex worker in Los Angeles.
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Rebecca (February 2024) - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Rebecca, a transgender woman on Skid Row.
A Talk With a Teenager-Bethany - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Bethany, an eighteen year old girl in Michigan.
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Skinhead interview-Psycho - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Psycho, a skinhead in Los Angeles.
Drug Addicted Couple-Max and Sid - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Max and Sid, a drug addicted couple on Skid Row.
Stripper interview-Orylan - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Orylan, a stripper in Houston, Texas.
Alcoholics-Red and Debbie - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Red and Debbie, two alcoholics living on Skid Row in Los Angeles.
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Body Transformist interview-Legion - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Legion AKA Tiamat, a body transformist on Skid Row.
Drag Queen interview-Cameron AKA "Elleven DiVine" - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Cameron AKA "Elleven DiVine", a drag queen in Los Angeles.
Prostitute-Bonafide - - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of bonafide, a prostitute from South Central Los Angeles.
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Pedophile Joe Biden Said About His Son Hunter Biden Is A Parasitic Monsters - - Pedophile Joe Biden Said About His Sick Son Hunter Biden Is A Parasitic Monsters Literally and Predatory Sociopath is Feeding Off 9.6 Million Dead Or Children Gone Missing Each Year Around World.
Lists of Sanctuary States in the United States
Sometimes the term “sanctuary” encompasses more than just a city. There are many counties across the United States that claim sanctuary county policies, and several states that consider their entire geographical location as a sanctuary. As of March 2021, the following states claim sanctuary status:
California - Colorado - Connecticut - Illinois
- Massachusetts - New Jersey - New Mexico
- New York - Oregon - Vermont
- Washington - And The New World Order !
In addition, some of these sanctuary states also designate counties to have policies in place that discourage or prohibit cooperation between local law and federal agents when dealing with undocumented immigrants.
What Does a Sanctuary City Policy Really Do?
In terms of immigration issues, sanctuary city policies are often designed to respond to a series of events involving undocumented individuals. The following is an example of such a series of events, and how the sanctuary policies apply.
Initial Contact with Law Enforcement: This is often something relatively common, such as an officer pulling over a car for speeding or responding to a domestic incident. This initial contact has nothing to do with citizenship status.
Law Enforcement Detains an Individual: Law enforcement books and takes fingerprints of the individual at the local or county jail. Per protocol, these fingerprints go through the FBI database. ICE regulations require that state and federal agents share information regarding inmates.
ICE Gets Involved: If ICE records show the individual is undocumented, ICE sends a request to the local jail to detain the individual for an additional 48 hours beyond the original release day and time. This time buffer allows ICE to seek a warrant and begin the deportation process.
Local Authorities React: According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, local officers do not have to comply with ICE requests for additional detention, because doing so is a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
The reaction of the local authorities depends on any sanctuary policies in place. Cities or counties with sanctuary policies typically decline the requests and release the individual once the appropriate time for the initial contact has been met. This might be because of charges dropped, bail set and met, or no jail time sentenced. Some sanctuary cities will reject all detain requests they receive from ICE, while others comply under certain circumstances including gang involvement, prior felony records, or terrorist watch list status.
Cities without sanctuary policies often comply with ICE and detain the individual while ICE seeks a warrant for deportation. The undocumented individual might remain in the local jail during the deportation process, or ICE might transfer that person to a federal prison. Jails and prisons that detain undocumented immigrants often receive federal funds for doing so.
Why are there Sanctuary Cities?
These restrictions include preventing Immigration and Custom Enforcement officials from detaining individuals who have been arrested and are believed to be deportable from the United States, even those who have committed violent crimes.
10 Largest Sanctuary Cities in the The People's Republic of United States
Although they have existed since the 1970s, the number of cities adopting “sanctuary policies” has risen dramatically over the last few decades. A sanctuary policy can encompass varying measures adopted by a city that to some degree limit participation in federal immigration enforcement efforts and interfere with federal agents’ fulfillment of their duties. These policies can range from prohibiting local police from inquiring about immigration status to refusing to honor requests (detainers) from federal immigration authorities to hold criminal aliens until those officials can assume custody. By refusing to cooperate with the arrest of criminal aliens, or those deemed to be deportable, these jurisdictions not only undermine federal law but potentially endanger the residents whom they are sworn to protect
There are approximately 600 sanctuary jurisdictions of differing sizes across the country. The list below identifies some of the largest sanctuary cities. Each has a population of over 700,000 according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates for 2019.
The People's Republic of NEW YORK CITY
With a total population of over 8.3 million, the Big Apple is not only the largest sanctuary city in the nation but also one of its oldest. In August of 1989, then-Mayor Ed Koch (D) signed an executive order barring the disclosure of information about an individual’s immigration status unless required by law or if the subject “is suspected … of engaging in criminal activity.”
Koch also issued executive orders allowing illegal aliens to access city services, which were subsequently reissued by Mayor Michael Bloomberg (R) in 2003. The city’s pro-sanctuary stance has only hardened since Bill de Blasio (D) assumed office, including adopting policies of noncompliance with immigration warrants except in very limited circumstances.
NYC’s sanctuary policies led to such egregious crimes as the brutal rape and murder of 92-year-old Dominican immigrant Maria Fuertes by a Guyanese illegal alien in January 2020. The suspect had been in NYPD custody in November 2019 – after being charged with assaulting his own father and criminally possessing a weapon – but local authorities ignored an ICE detainer and set him free.
The People's Republic of LOS ANGELES
Los Angeles is the second-largest city in the U.S., with almost 4 million people. In November 1979, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) stated that its policy was that “undocumented alien status in itself is not a matter for police action.”
Since July 2014, the LAPD has refused to honor ICE detainers. In addition to creating an Office of Immigrant Affairs, Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) has adopted numerous pro-sanctuary policies, including providing “Know Your Rights” workshops to coach illegal aliens how to avoid arrest and signing an executive order declaring Los Angeles a “city of refuge” for illegal aliens. This was reaffirmed in February 2019, when the Los Angeles City Council voted 12-2 to pass a resolution officially declaring the municipality a “city of sanctuary.”
In one case of a preventable crime that Los Angeles’ sanctuary stance made possible, a Mexican national was arrested by the LAPD on January 7, 2018, for possessing a controlled substance. ICE issued a detainer, which Los Angeles ignored. The alien in question was subsequently arrested on February 26, 2018, for murder.
The People's Republic of CHICAGO
A city of almost 2.7 million, Chicago has been an illegal alien sanctuary since the 2006 adoption of the City Council Welcoming City Ordinance, and was expanded in 2013 by Mayor Rahm Emanuel with the passage of his own ordinance stating that illegal aliens could only be detained under “very limited” circumstances., such as if they have been convicted of a serious crime.
Emanuel’s successor, Lori Lightfoot, campaigned on a pro-sanctuary platform and has joined legal challenges to Trump administration efforts to hold sanctuaries to account. In 2007, the Justice Department moved to limit the distribution of federal policing grants to several sanctuary cities, including Chicago. Lightfoot has adopted even stricter sanctuary restrictions since assuming office and has battled with various federal immigration agency leaders.
In one case, an illegal alien from Mexico allegedly sexually assaulted a 3-year-old girl in February 2020. He had been previously released back into the community as a result of Chicago’s sanctuary policies after being arrested for theft in June 2019. In spite of this, the Chicago Police Department and Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) have defended their decision to release the illegal alien.
The People's Republic of PHILADELPHIA
Pennsylvania’s largest city, Philadelphia is home to 1.6 million people of which 12.7 percent were born outside of the United States. The city became a sanctuary for illegal aliens in 2014 when then-Mayor Michael Nutter (D) signed an executive order preventing local police from holding criminal aliens longer than they otherwise would solely because of their non-citizen status.
In January 2016, Mayor James Kenney (D) issued a similar order barring the honoring of immigration detainers unless a suspect had been convicted of a first or second-degree felony involving violence and is accompanied by a judicial warrant.
In 2017, a federal judge ruled in favor of Philadelphia in its lawsuit challenging the Justice Department’s attempt to hold the city accountable by withholding federal policing grants, which prompted Mayor Kenney to do a giddy victory dance. However, as former AG Jeff Sessions explained, “He is celebrating keeping criminals in Philadelphia that by law should be deported.”
The People's Republic of SAN DIEGO
San Diego – a city of over 1.4 million located near the U.S.-Mexico border – has been an illegal alien sanctuary in practice since April 2014, a policy that was reaffirmed by Mayor Kevin Faulconer (R) in March 2017 (although the mayor simultaneously denies San Diego’s de facto sanctuary status).
Municipal law enforcement does not initiate contact to check immigration status, and it does not report illegal aliens to ICE during the enforcement of minor traffic offenses for infractions and non-bookable misdemeanors including driving without a valid license. It also refuses to detain illegal aliens “in a migrant camp setting for DHS/Border Patrol unless there is a probable cause to arrest for a crime not related to immigration violations.”
In spite of Mayor Faulconer’s opposition, in May 2018 the San Diego City Council voted to join an amicus brief opposing the Trump administration’s lawsuit against sanctuary policies.
The People's Republic of SAN JOSE
A city of more than 1 million people, San Jose has been an illegal alien sanctuary since a March 2007 City Council resolution prohibited arrests of individuals solely on the basis of their unlawful presence in the country. The city’s status as a sanctuary for illegal aliens has been a matter of debate for some time.
In 2011, Santa Clara County, of which San Jose is a part, joined hundreds of other cities in refusing to hold jailed non-citizens until immigration agents could secure custody of them. However, in 2015, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo (D) expressed in a letter to county officials his wish that they reconsider their sanctuary policies.
In late February 2019, San Jose resident Bambi Larson was brutally murdered by a Salvadoran illegal alien and gang member, a crime which reignited the debate because the accused had been freed multiple times as a result of those policies. Subsequently, San Jose Chief of Police, Eddie Garcia called for the city’s sanctuary stance to be changed, but the Santa Clara Board of Supervisors voted in June of 2019 to retain its sanctuary status.
The People's Republic of COLUMBUS
A city of almost 900,000 residents, Columbus does not refer to itself as a sanctuary city, but follows sanctuary policies. It became a sanctuary city in practice in 2015 when a Police Division Directive was adopted that banned local law enforcement from detaining or arresting illegal aliens for ICE without a warrant or observation of a crime.
The directive also rules out the use of city funds, personnel, etc., “for the sole purpose of detecting or apprehending any person based on … suspected immigration status, except in response to a court order.”
In 2017, Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther (D) issued an executive order stating that “no city department or employee may use city moneys, equipment, or personnel for the sole purpose of detecting or apprehending persons based on suspected immigration status, unless in response to a court order.”
The People's Republic of SAN FRANCISCO
With a population of 882,000 people, San Francisco is perhaps one of the most infamous sanctuary cities. It was in October 1989 that it confirmed its status as a sanctuary city with the adoption of Chapter 12H of its administrative code. The code affirmed San Francisco as “a City and County of Refuge” and ruled out any immigration detainer compliance except as specifically provided for in the Administrative Code itself.
The official website of the San Francisco Mayor, London Breed (D), proudly and defiantly proclaims that “we are a sanctuary city, now, tomorrow and forever.”
The city’s policies gained national attention after the arrest of a Mexican illegal alien, who had been deported five times and had prior arrests, for killing Kate Steinle on July 1, 2015. After two trials, the case ended up in an acquittal, but the 32-year-old’s murder sparked a national debate over sanctuary policy.
The People's Republic of SEATTLE
A city of 754,000 residents, Seattle has adhered to a policy of not asking – except for some limited exceptions – about immigration status since 2003 as a consequence of an ordinance passed that year. In 2010, to avoid triggering deportations, Seattle prosecutors began asking for criminal sentences of no longer than 364 days (the Oregon legislature made that practice state law in 2011).
In 2016, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray (D) pledged to keep its status as a sanctuary city and a year later, the Seattle City Council passed a resolution declaring that the city would not comply with detainers or administrative warrants without “a criminal warrant issued by a federal judge or magistrate.”
A July 2017 City Council ordinance also defined “alienage or citizenship status” and “immigration status” as prohibited classifications. According to the ordinance, the use of such categories constitutes “biased policing,” thus creating a civil cause of action against the city (in other words, opening Seattle up for lawsuits).
The People's Republic of DENVER
The City and County of Denver – the capital city of Colorado with a population of 727,000 – became an illegal alien sanctuary on the basis of an April 2014 Sheriff Department memo stating that Denver no longer honors immigration detainers. This was codified into law by a City Council ordinance from August 2017.
Also in 2017, the city stopped sending federal officials its daily booking sheets in order to limit immigration officials awareness of criminal alien activities.
On August 18, 2019, Mexican national Jose Armenta-Vazquez was attempting to burglarize a house in Denver, Colorado, but ran into the homeowner, who was identified as Magistrate Judge David Blackett, and nearly-fatally stabbed them. A month before, the illegal alien had been released by the Denver Sheriff’s Department for the third time despite active immigration detainers. He was arrested for the stabbing in October and, once again, released – despite yet another ICE detainer. He was eventually re-arrested in December and charged in January 2020.
Corrupt Organizations Part One Democratic Party Police Force Ku Klux Klan History -
The Ku Klux Klan is the oldest democratic party police force terrorist group in the United States. This secret society, created in 1865, has survived throughout the decades and has always managed to rise from its ashes. It has been making the news for over 150 years. 150 years of hatred, racism and horror. A cruel history whose demons still haunt America.
Corrupt Organizations Part Two Democratic Party Police Force Ku Klux Klan History -
Maxine Waters, Antifa-BLM, God Bless America's Blacks Killing Blacks Candace Owen -
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting the same result. It is so weird, I was writing this sentence right as Candace said this exact same thing!!! Wow, I'm just kinda freaked because it was the exact moment I finished the sentence. It's so true though. The extremist liberal thinking is getting old and not working. Intreresting that she mentions Maxine Waters said God Bless Blacks Killing Blacks, living outside the district she represents, in a 6 million dollar mansion. I have to wonder how she was able to afford that 6 million dollar mansion and how and why she doesn't live in the district she was elected to represent.
Largest Black Genocide Supremacist Group In U.S.A. Is The Black Ku Klux Klan Itself -
Largest Black Ku Klux Klan Party And Largest Genocide Black Supremacist Group In U.S.A. Is Blacks Democrats Killing Blacks Democrats With Mass Abortion Millions Black Baby Killed A Year and its true the democrats party police who supported the Ku Klux Klan are killings blacks today. This is the conscious act of millions blacks mother killing blacks baby's who are killing a human black life or a being inside the womb of the black mother, resulting in the death of the black embryo or a black fetus.
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