When Christ Shall Come - Again? Or For the First Time? How Rev 20 Confirms & Denies the Talmud

10 months ago

“Dying for a Red Heifer” part 3 S4E9p3
The world likes to dismiss differences in religious thinking and tradition. But what if there are fewer differences between traditions than we even realize most of the time? Today on Something’s Happening Here, we examine one of the key components of the “rebuilding the temple” theology against, of all things, the Talmud! And what we find there looks a lot like what we read in the New Testament, except absent of Jesus. I’ve stated since Monday that Jesus is the answer to the entire Middle Eastern mess, and today on Something’s Happening Here we’ll see the importance of Jesus in religious thinking broadly. How does a single line of thinking change when Jesus is removed from it? Put on your Prophecy Hats to end our week, on today’s show called “When Christ Shall Come … Again? Or For the First Time? How Revelation 20 Confirms AND Denies the Talmud.”

Something’s Happening Here is settling in to its new 3-day format with this week’s episode all about the basic ways that poor Bible study leads to death and tragedy, and how Jesus Christ can solve it all.

Season 4 Episode 9
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