CTP (S1EMarSpecial3, 20240327) BullseyeTheClown - History Soundbite

9 months ago

S1EMarSpecial3 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Mar 27 2024 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14776310-christitutionalist-politics-s1emarspecial3-clowning-around-with-bullseye-humor-health )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EMarSpecial3) "Clowning around with Bullseye (Humor & Health)"
I am so proud and happy to have the great Bullseye the Clown (part of Clowns On A Mission) join the Show. As you've heard me say "No matter how serious things get, it is important for us to keep a Sense Of Humor" and Brian... er... Bullseye (in full Clown gear and paint (which you can see on/at @JLenardDetroit BitChute, Brighteon, Rumble, and YouTube, channels BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video)) takes us through so many things: Importance of Humor to maintaining Health and in Illness Recovery physiology as well as his book about dealing with Bullying called "Bullseye On Bullying." His Rubber Chickens in Prison story. A recent "Value of even Forced Smiles" Study discussion. His Bachelor of Farts... er... I mean... "Arts" (Theater) Degree. Giving back, Charity, Helping others. More...

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