Novel Virus, Novel Biology, Science serving fiction.

9 months ago

Faith in a novel virus is tantamount to faith in a novel biology..
As soon as you get back to basics, you have to ask to the basic question.. What pandemic? Do you mean that contrived, Event 201 goose step, lock step, dance step, beat down, lock down, evil frown, sad clown, hand me down then hand me over to the what? Since when does the common cold respect property lines?
Cold and flu is bad in New York... !
But not New Jersey!
Say what?
Reefer Trucks parked behind the New Yawk hospital.. to keep those bodies cold..
Jersey? Brooklyn? Queens? Connecticut?

* The description above is the uploaders colorful, yet cheerful, impression of the content which was screen capped from:
We are Governed by Stories VENTER -- (26 Mar 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief

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