The World is a Drug Business. From British East India Co. to CIA - Globalist Drug Profiteering

11 months ago

The World is a Drug Business. From British East India Co. to CIA - Globalist Drug Profiteering
The Freemasons have been tied to the Opium Drug Trade from the very beginning. It is no wonder they have been implicated in so many Nefarious Acts of High Crimes and Treason working with the Globalist - Deep State
The Drug Trade and other Global Criminal Operations are one of the main sources used to Fund Black Ops and Bribe Politicians. The U.S. Military is even involved. The Corruption of America runs deep, and the money flows back to the British Banksters and the Black Nobility...
February 9th, 2024
Lazarus Wolf - Bankers World
Here is how the world really operates.
Drugs, slaves, weapons, war.
Remember the pictures of American soldiers guarding the poppy fields in the Middle East?
Vietnam was to steal back the opium trade from the Chinese Triads. Who had become the major suppliers to their own people when they partnered with the western families bringing the opium to the shores of China, as a compromise in the opium wars.
They have used this blood money to buy everything in every world now including the military, and the legal system. In all countries.
With their iron lock on all media guaranteeing no information can ever pierce the propaganda.
This video and the book, “ Dope Inc. “, lay out the real way the Black Nobility got the money they now use to run the world.
Killing hundreds of millions of people.
Stealing their lands, resources, for profit.

The World is a Drug Business. From British East India Co. to CIA - Globalist Drug Profiteering



3 hours ago
The World is a Drug Business. From British East India Co. to CIA - Globalist Drug Profiteering
The Freemasons have been tied to the Opium Drug Trade from the very beginning. It is no wonder they have been implicated in so many Nefarious Acts of High Crimes and Treason working with the Globalist - Deep State
The Drug Trade and other Global Criminal Operations are one of the main sources used to Fund Black Ops and Bribe Politicians. The U.S. Military is even involved. The Corruption of America runs deep, and the money flows back to the British Banksters and the Black Nobility...
February 9th, 2024
Lazarus Wolf - Bankers World
Here is how the world really operates.
Drugs, slaves, weapons, war.
Remember the pictures of American soldiers guarding the poppy fields in the Middle East?
Vietnam was to steal back the opium trade from the Chinese Triads. Who had become the major suppliers to their own people when they partnered with the western families bringing the opium to the shores of China, as a compromise in the opium wars.
They have used this blood money to buy everything in every world now including the military, and the legal system. In all countries.
With their iron lock on all media guaranteeing no information can ever pierce the propaganda.
This video and the book, “ Dope Inc. “, lay out the real way the Black Nobility got the money they now use to run the world.
Killing hundreds of millions of people.
Stealing their lands, resources, for profit.
Using the money looted from
other nations, they have the world by the throat. Paying all militaries to do their dirty work.
All popular politicians know this information they hide from us.
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