Who Is This? (Easter Series #2 Palm Sunday) Matthew 21:1-11

6 months ago

It was an unbelievable time. The Passover was coming and preparations were being made. Word of Jesus had spread - the teachings with authority, the miracles He had performed, and that fact that many were following Him. Now, the greatest event in the people’s minds was taking place. Jesus, the king, was about to make a triumphant entry into the City of Jerusalem just as the prophets had foretold. They celebrated by laying palm leaves and their clothes on the ground before him to honor the coming King. Yet interestingly, many in Jerusalem had somehow missed all the stories about Jesus. They began to ask, as many still do today, "Who Is This?”
This message was taped during the morning service on March 24, 2024, and edited for broadcast for the week of March 31, 2024. If you would like to contact us, please use the contact information given at the end of this video. Thank you.

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