Trump Is Now Selling Bibles

11 months ago

Today on Truth Social, Donald Trump announced that he is selling Bibles, because of course he is. Trump stated that he is partnering with Lee Greenwood in this promotion. Greenwood famously sings the song “God Bless the USA.”

According to the website referenced in Trump’s announcement, the Bible Trump is marketing is called the “God Bless the USA” Bible, and it has the King James translation of God’s word, but also includes the following:

• Handwritten chorus to “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood
• The US Constitution
• The Bill of Rights
• The Declaration of Independence
• The Pledge of Allegiance

In the video of the announcement, Trump talks about how “religion and Christianity,” his words, are the biggest things missing in the country. He adds that he has MANY Bibles in his home, because of course he does, and that the Bible is his favorite book, just like we suspected.

So, here is the video of Trump’s announcement on Truth Social, and I’ll also put a link down in the description. After the video, I’ll be back with a couple of thoughts on Trump selling Bibles.

Trump mentioned the slogan “Make America pray again” a couple of times in his video. My opinion on that is they may just as well have said “Make America pray for Donald Trump” because that’s what they actually mean.

The website that Trump’s Truth Social post links to looks like this. It’s a pretty basic sales page, with a couple of pictures at the bottom of various people holding a copy of the “God Bless the USA” Bible. Here we see Donald Trump Jr. and Mike Huckabee, to name two.

There’s also a short one-minute promotional video on the website, and here that is. If you don’t see anything, I had to edit out this for copyright reasons. The website does helpfully explain that this Bible is, and I quote, “the ONLY Bible endorsed by President Trump!” So if you need your Bible endorsed by someone, this is obviously the one to buy.

I’m being a little sarcastic in all of this, but here’s the bottom line: if you want or need to buy a Bible, don’t buy one that is polluting God’s word with an idolatry of America, and poisoning our faith with the cult of personality surrounding one man who is the epitome of the things of this world.

The Bible is clear that we are not to add onto God’s word, and that is exactly what the “God Bless the USA” Bible does, as it combines various documents about America’s founding, and a patriotic song, with the holy scripture.

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