ECLIPSE 2024: DIVISIONS, Celestial Warnings, and GLOBAL UPHEAVAL

11 months ago

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The total solar eclipse that will stretch across the United States on April 8th this year brings along with it a more divided and embattled nation over the course of the last four years than at any other time in history. If anything can be learned about ourselves from this history, it may very well be that despite our achievements as a society we remain captive to certain celestial agents of change. "Eclipse 2024", as it's being referred to, will be accompanied by a bright light in the darkness called the "Devil Comet" and already major shakeups are happening across the world involving King Charles and the Royal Family, more talk of an
impending World War, the death and rise of a new Pope, and the Presidential election in November. Perhaps the total solar eclipse serves as a reminder that we don't control much... and no one can really stop what's coming.
#jamesanthonyreport #solareclipse2024 #devilcomet
Partial Transcript:
From ancient Greece and Homer's The Odyssey, to The Holy Bible and the death of Christ, John Milton's work Paradise Lost in the 1600's, and Shakespear's King Lear we find examples of solar eclipses depicted as agents of change and sometimes even chaos. Eight total eclipses have occurred in the United States since
1776 and though the event is no longer a rarity in the modern sense, it still strikes at the core of what people fear most. Perhaps what ancient writers and even more modern ones like Mark Twain and Issac Asimov understood about the human condition is that, despite all of our accomplishments, we can't control much.
And we can't stop what's coming. Beyond even this, it gives pause to the idea of free will in a sense. If kings and queens rise and fall with signs in the skies... are we really independent or just automatons? It should be noted among all the conspiracy theories surrounding 'Eclipse 2024' that in his 1555 text titled 'The Prophecies', Nostradamus foretold that the "King of the Isles" would be driven out by "a force" and will be replaced by one who bears not the mark of a king, with many believing this to be a take on King Charles and Prince Harry. Floods, the death of and rise of a new Pope, World War 3, and the coming of the antichrist waging a three decades long war are listed among the Royal Family quatrains. Literal or figurative but this verse reads as a "Celestial fire on the royal edifice"... Near its peak brightness, a bright light during the total solar eclipse in 2024 will be Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks. This is alongside six planets that will be visible by binoculars in the darkness... and Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is known
as the 'Devil Comet' with Lucifer meaning Light or Light-Bringer. Forget the adherence to any one doctrine or confirmation bias but just using history as our guide we can see that the solar eclipse in 2024 is the prelude to major shakeup.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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