192: PSA M110 Clone / SABRE-10 Commentary

11 months ago

Calling it a review wouldn't be sufficient, and besides, there's plenty of places to go for that, some of which I may have even had a hand in. The SABRE-10 by Palmetto State Armory deserves recognition for presenting itself as two very different concepts, pulling each of with relative success.

The first for a Sub-$2000 rifle, you get quite a bit. From Mags and a bag, to a rifle that holds a reasonable zero for what you're getting it's a good launching point for a .308 caliber rifle. Is it perfectly clone correct? No. but it hits the highlights. It is ready to go out of the box? Again no, but after a little breaking in and a few swapped parts, it goes a long way, if you catch the precision rifle pun.

Palmetto State Armory SABRE-10: palmettostatearmory.com
Instagram: @palmettostatearmoryofficial

B5 Systems: b5systems.com
Instagram: @b5systems

Vortex Optics: vortexoptics.com
Instagram: @vortexoptics

American Defense Manufacturing: www.admmfg.com
Instagram: @americandefensemfg

Lead and Steel: leadandsteel.co
Instagram @leadsteel

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