Destructive “Chemtrails” Finally Coming to Light – Dane Wigington

11 months ago

Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says it looks like the destructive climate engineering operation that has been going on for decades is finally coming to the attention of the public with new legislation happening in states like Tennessee. Terms like “chemtrails” are used to hide the massive harm being done to the climate. Tennessee is taking action because the harm being done to the “public welfare” with everything from heavy metals, aluminum and nanoparticles being sprayed on everyone to manipulate the climate. Of course, there is no public discussion, let alone public approval, of this evil weather warfare that is well established climate Engineering science since just after WWII. With the Tennessee legislation, we may finally be getting enough public awareness to STOP spraying, poisoning and climate damage being done without public knowledge or permission. Is the Tennessee climate engineering “ban” good news? Wigington explains, “This is extremely good news. The key point here is this raising awareness and credibility for this issue. Clearly, whatever one state passes over its airspace is not going to stop the fallout coming from upwind. You would have to ban this over the whole planet to stop theses toxic particulate matter from saturating all of us. That said, this is extremely important in raising awareness. The Senate bill is 2691 and the House bill is 2063, and it’s being voted on tomorrow (Wednesday 3/27/24 in Tennessee) . . . . The interesting thing is all who are voting for this are Republicans, but this should not be a political issue. The reason why the Democrats are not voting for this is they believe anyone trying to bring attention to the climate engineering issue is somehow trying to dodge the fact that the climate is damaged. That is the furthest thing from the truth. What we are saying at is how can there be any legitimate discussion about climate anything without addressing this issue first and foremost. . . .On the current course, no one gets out alive. I know that is an incredibly hard pill to swallow, but it is the fact of the matter. . . . What does that mean for all of us? Do we sit down and do nothing? No. We try to bring this issue (Geoengineering) to light, which is, at this moment in time, the single most destructive factor of all human activity. It is the single most destructive problem we face short of nuclear cataclysm. If together we can expose this and stop it and allow the planet to respond to the damage done with whatever life support systems that are left . . . people need to wake up while we can still make a difference. We are running out of time.”

Wigington says climate engineering is criminal, and people at the top know what is happening. Wigington says, “These people are like pirates trying to fill their pockets with loot on the deck of a sinking ship.”

On top of that, the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) are out in force trying to minimize what this Tennessee legislation means to exposing these climate engineering destructive policies. One of the latest acts of destruction is baseball size hail that destroyed thousands of acres of solar panels this past weekend in Texas. Wigington says this type of extreme weather is one of many problems caused by climate engineering. You will not hear how dire the situation is because of the propaganda by the LLM that hide the dire situation we face that is made exponentially worse by so-called “Chemtrails.”

There is much more in the 41-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with climate researcher Dane Wigington, founder of, with an update on the calamity geoengineering is causing and legislation in Tennessee to ban it for 3.26.24.

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