Investigation | Sacred Impunity w/ English Subtitles

11 months ago

Enquête | Sacrée impunité
Feb 17, 2023 MONTREAL
Report from February 16, 2023 New testimonies lift the veil on the suspicious deaths of children at the hands of nuns at the Chicoutimi orphanage and the Mont d’Youville orphanage in Quebec. These chilling stories add to the allegations of physical and psychological abuse, but also sexual abuse, allegedly committed by pedophile sisters in these state-funded Catholic institutions. Enquête went in search of untraceable remains of children and on the trail of these alleged unpunished crimes. Martin and Lyne Simard, from the famous singing family, are among the survivors who confided, for the first time, about the horrors they have experienced. A former sex crimes investigator is also breaking the silence on assaults perpetrated by women of God. Like the victims of residential schools, those forgotten by the Quebec orphanage system are searching for the truth and asking for an apology from the Church. Journalist: Priscilla Plamondon Lalancette Director: Martin Movilla Editors: Bernard Lapointe, Jocelyn Bilodeau.
Thank you to the illustrator for the sketches and all those who took part in making this video to help me understand what my brother and many others may have been subjected to, physically and emotionally.
No monetary gain is made from this channel. All videos are made for parody, commentary and educational purposes only.
English Subtitles provided by Diane St Laurent, a Canadian Independent Researcher who is still searching for her brother born in 1956.
#Investigation #OrphanSexCrimes #Orphanages

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