Origins of Freemasonry is of Kabbalist Jewish Origin Clip

10 months ago

I shared this shorter version on my social media accounts.

Wait until you hear this information. I added the captions for those of you who have requested it. And the Kabbalist Jews say we offend them and say it is antisemitic to say "Christ is King". But they can say or have documented in their Kabbalist religious text "Christ is in hell in boiling hot excrement."

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. That is chapter 1 verse 1 of the Bible Old Testament which is the Torah.

And Jesus Christ is the living breathing Word of God who was made flesh to walk among us.

Bob Larson explains Lilith demon is mentioned in the Zohar, Kabbalistic movement of occult mystical Judaism. Their adaptation of the original Torah. They perverted, blasphemed the holy scriptures of the Torah.

"According to the legend of Kabbalistic Judaism (escoteric black magic), the true wife of Adam was Lilith. But Eve sexually seduced Adam to begin the human race and therefore she took the place of Lilith. And those in occult Satanism and Kabbalism Judaism want to restore Lilith to her rightful place." ~Bob Larson

YouTube video 👉

Not all Jewish people are Illuminati Kabbalist Jews. There are non-practicing Jewish people looking for the meaning of life like most of humanity, and there are Jewish people who are called Messianic Jews because they believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and there are Jewish people who are Atheist, AND THEN there are those born Jewish but DO NOT worship the Lord God almighty aka the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob like those who practice Jewish Kabbalah Mysticism esoteric black magic. They worship Lucifer aka Satan like the infamous Rothschild's who head the Illuminati, the famous occultist Nostradamus who wrote prophecies using a bowl of water called a "magic mirror" getting help "seeing" from the dark underworld, the famous master of darkness occultist Aleister Crowley, and Anton LaVey, creator of the Church of Satan and who wrote The Satanic Bible, etc. So please don't lump all Jewish people together. That is what the Kabbalists want. They make you believe they worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with their outward presence.

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