The ‘Act’ of Anger

11 months ago

April 21 - The ‘Act’ of Anger
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If you feel anger towards another, you are not actually angry with them, you are angry at ‘your perception’ of them. When you ‘act’ through anger you are unconsciously disagreeing with God/Source, that highest part of you who only sees your sister and brother as His perfect creation. It is in such a mental state where inner conflict and confusion results and where you will feel unsure and off balance. Enough time spent in such a state will result in increasing levels of anxiety, fear, and internal conflict and chaos. It is by supporting such states with your time, energy and focus that peace will seem more and more difficult to reach or find. We are all One, our truth is loving, compassionate, and forgiving, thus when you are not seeing another in this manner, it is because you are not fully aligning with your highest self. Today we practice listening to our highest self that is always calling for realignment with Source, for becoming the expressions of love, compassion, and forgiveness. It is when we begin to listen to the truth within that anger begins to dissolve and clarity, balance, and peace begin to once again shine through.
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