Are you overweight and have given up on yourself? Today's show is for you, get ready to be inspired

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Our Aspiring Meteorologist Beckett Moore joins us to talk about that crazy cold snap and windy last few days we have had but warmer days ahead as we head towards Easter Weekend.

I will have an update on the bridge collapse in Maryland and other News You Can Use.

I have quite the guest for you this morning. Teresa Johnson knows all too well what it is like to give up on yourself. She lived in an overweight body for much of her life and gave up on ever reaching her goals or being able to live the life she always wanted to live. Teresa was told by her ex husband that he didn't think he could love her anymore. She lost her father and a brother in law within days of each other. She has had to overcome pain and loss and stay dedicated to living the life she was meant to live. She was introduced to training for a Couch to 5K and was bitten by the bug or the Runner's High and decided to train for a half marathon and she has never looked back. Teresa is now training for a 50 mile backyard Ultra. She has devoted her life to nutrition and health and wellness. A remarkable turnaround and truly owning her life. Let her inspire you to live your best! This will be a show you will definitely want to share with friends, family and others who have given up on themselves.

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