Peaceful Protestors Disrupted by Lawrence MA Cops Who Break Two Ribs While Breaching Two Amendments

11 months ago

Last month, Supervising Sgt. Mike Simard was seen verbally and physically abusing protestors along with a band of cops at his command.
Watch the video for the shocking excessive force the was used on two women.
After an hour of peacefully protesting at #DCFLawrence, a melee ensued when #LawrencePolice arrived clearly spoiling for a fight. Eyewitnesses said protestor Shawn Nelson, the biggest and only black man in the group, was intentionally antagonized and provoked. He was arrested when he swore.
While challenging the unlawful actions by the officers, CarlyDowns was shocked as she was suddenly and violently tackled to the pavement face first by two of LPD’s male officers on February 20th.

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