"PLANS for blame sun on from all artificial drama later after all satellite lasers"

10 months ago

[warning] from now forward you hear only real bad sad negative low lack information news intels etc until full disclosure happen, is really heavy wakeup call when follow intel internet virtual reality information officials mainstream level into what level also partly on alternative media news falls with follow low frequency victim level to stay longer on suffer pain hurt how only fade out physically mentally on real life when try stay on internet level, internet not do better for you only worse happen, keep off 5G wifi bluetoots hotspots there still risks to all type problems when not avoid chemicals toxics poisons, to do own best could not enough on situation so need know do also beyond own best, americans also been already longer blame russia china for mislead population when america been make Directed Energy Weapons satellite lasers to destroy on ground buildings cars people tested already from 1940s to forward, they try sell space command space force space programs to people as savor whats killer mentally ill still control satellite lasers, russia is not to blame also viruses patents are american patents, vaxxs components are chinese patents, they not been make new vaxxs how vaxxs for after 2019 was ready made ready shipped around world why they still try sell give force old vaxxs whats ready paid deep programmed automatized negative plan for population mass murder killings, only on mainstream media told 'new vaxxs' whats also still kills people been only old vaxxs with new titles labels names

[know] alex jones infowars try write storys to buy people trust with know tell things before happen whats CIA MOSSAD version new age trick trap into what better not fall, he know things only as insider who paid to mislead all to use later as famous guru on for CIA version new age, also indian gurus already used for talk 'reasons for population mass murder' into what they been paid, similar mislead is made so much lightworkers patriots not really know whats what, lightworkers patriots still follow masons AI intels also still interviews masons how all mix disinfo wrong info lack undertanding whats only mislead wakeup population remove real protection from wakeup population


[note] full scale virus 2.0 propaganda lies target all people on 2024 heavier than 2019 on via mainstream media been start, again thats all lies lies lies into what also alternative media falls with follow intels information low frequency aka victim level what can only wake up people, people are not fall into virus lies twice

"ALERT! 🐄 Bird Flu Spreads to Dairy Cows, It Was Never Suppose To Happen🐄"

"Dr. Anthony Fauci at The Richmond Forum"

"Focus like a laser what.... pla pla pla"


[picture] screen capture show how was start on week seven in youtube negative groups been communicate release propaganda lies all that difinfo wronginfo mislead plan for population mass murder was been already made also all uploads been before was release shown to public, public can read message from between lines when is symbolic or numerology or astrology NONE ON THAT NOT REAL THING

"Secret Super Weapons That Drive Disarmament Negotiations - Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden -- D.E.W. warfare"




"Space Force Member DEMANDS Air Force Use Pronouns & Embrace LGBTQ"



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