What Time Is to Eternity

10 months ago

April 20 - What Time Is to Eternity
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During a dream, I placed a towel onto the surface of a deserted, endless beach and it became a symbol to me of what time is to eternity. A symbol of what judgment is to forgiveness, pain to peace, and condemnation to compassion. The truth within us is eternal — forever changeless in its perfection. Yet the ego thought it noticed a blink in eternity’s eyes and decided to call it time. Within the illusionary concept of time, we have been programmed to believe that we are something other than God’s eternal loving essence. Having bought into this fairy tale called time, we have also bought into the characters within the fairy tale. Some of these characters go by the names of judgment, anxiousness, anger, resentment, fear, hate and revenge. None of these represent our eternal nature.

Today, let us practice recognizing some of the symbols of time and eternity. Time is a symbol of the ego, of the body, of what seems to wither away, die and be no more. Eternity is a symbol of God, the everlasting loving essence that flows through and fuels our souls. Judgment, fear and a desire for separation fuel the ego’s mindset. Peace, joy and union are fueled by love, by the eternal in us. When you are aligning with any of Love’s expressions, you humbly represent God on Earth. Today, if you find yourself out of alignment with the Divine, do not despair or judge yourself as unworthy. Instead, use this self-awareness to remind yourself that you are somewhere you do not belong. Then take a deep breath, become present and align with your eternal loving essence.
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