‘Non-Binary' Birth Certificates and the WPATH Fraud: Stella O'Malley | TEASER

9 months ago

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“It's a very beguiling, alluring thought ... You hate yourself and you're 14. And you could be a different person with a different name and a different pronoun and a different body. And nobody will ever be able to refer to the old you. So these kids fall for it.”

As a young girl, Stella O’Malley believed for years she should have been born a boy.

“I would definitely easily have met the criteria that would now be called a diagnosis of childhood onset gender dysphoria ... horrible experience, but I came through it and ultimately became comfortable in my own skin, and ultimately became a mother, which is the thing I'm most proud of and most connected to in my life,” says Ms. O’Malley.

“Those teenagers who still want medical transition, they don't know the fever of wanting a baby that hits people in their 30s, and I wouldn't underestimate it. And these children, because we're only about ten years into this kind-of sharp rise in the numbers of people seeking medical transition, we won't hear about that infertility crisis that's going to hit those for some years now.”

Today, she is a practicing psychotherapist and the founder of <a href="https://genspect.org/">Genspect</a>, which promotes a non-medicalized approach to gender distress. She’s the author of many books, including most recently “<a href="https://whenkidssaytheyretrans.com/">When Kids Say They’re Trans</a>: A Guide for Parents.”

“Something extraordinary has happened within psychology [and] psychotherapy. We've lost our way,” says Ms. O’Malley. “In those years since 1979 when WPATH [World Professional Association for Transgender Health] formed, [there] is a growing, extraordinary kind-of cultural revolution, where you can identify as you wish. And when you identify as you wish, doctors, lawyers, schools, [and] hospitals need to fall into your identity. It's an extraordinary kind of new way of being."

Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

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#Genspect #WPATH #StellaOMalley

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‘Non-Binary' Birth Certificates and the WPATH Fraud: Stella O'Malley

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